RFR: 8302670: use-after-free related to PhaseIterGVN interaction with Unique_Node_List and Node_Stack [v2]

Emanuel Peter epeter at openjdk.org
Thu May 11 07:46:47 UTC 2023

On Wed, 10 May 2023 11:37:53 GMT, Tobias Hartmann <thartmann at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Emanuel Peter has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
>>   update copyright years
> Great work, Emanuel! I only have a few minor comments.
>> Phase._pnum (PhaseNumber): do we really need this? Is there not a better solution?
> Since you removed the least two usages outside of the `Phase` constructor, let's file a follow-up RFE to investigate if we can simply remove it.

Thanks @TobiHartmann for the suggestions and review!

Thanks @chhagedorn for the suggestions and ideas!

@justin would you mind reviewing this too, since quite a bit of material is from your original PR?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13833#issuecomment-1543496983

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