RFR: 8302351: "assert(!JavaThread::current()->is_interp_only_mode() || !nm->method()->is_continuation_enter_intrinsic() || ContinuationEntry::is_interpreted_call(return_pc)) failed: interp_only_mode but not in enterSpecial interpreted entry" in fixup_callers_callsite

Patricio Chilano Mateo pchilanomate at openjdk.org
Wed May 24 19:07:02 UTC 2023

On Wed, 24 May 2023 17:42:04 GMT, Daniel D. Daugherty <dcubed at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Thumbs up on the fix itself. I do think it could use some refactoring to avoid the five copies of the same code block.
> Thanks for documenting your testing. So far there have been 15 sightings of this test failure in the JDK21 CI: 13 in tier4, 2 in tier7 and 1 in tier8. Since you are touching 5 different SharedRuntime functions, I think you should run this fix thru at least one Tier7 and one Tier8 job set.
Sounds good. I already lunched a tier7 job. I'll run tier8 after that.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14108#issuecomment-1561785607

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