Integrated: 8308475: Make the thread dump files generated by jcmd Thread.dump_to_file jtreg failure handler action easily accessible

Jaikiran Pai jpai at
Thu May 25 09:27:10 UTC 2023

On Sun, 21 May 2023 09:19:47 GMT, Jaikiran Pai <jpai at> wrote:

> Can I please get a review of this change which proposes to improve the accessibility of the thread dump files that are generated by the `jcmd Thread.dump_to_file` command configured in the failure handler configurations? This addresses 
> The changes in this PR include:
>  - Enhancement to `GatherProcessInfoTimeoutHandler` to allow configuring a `successArtifacts` action parameter which can be used to generate links to files that are generated by the failure handler commands.
>  - Introduction of a `%iterCount` token to allow ability to refer to the current iteration when the command is repeated
>  - The `jcmd Thread.dump_to_file` is now configured to create the thread dumps in `json` format. Additionally, it has now been configured to create the thread dumps 6 times, just like the `jstack` command.
> Detailed explanation of the `successArtifacts` parameter and the `%iterCount` token is provided in the JBS comment here
> Tests have been run locally with this change and tier1, tier2 and tier3 tests on CI system to verify this change works and doesn't cause regression.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 426ebf4f
Author:    Jaikiran Pai <jpai at>
Stats:     78 lines in 5 files changed: 66 ins; 0 del; 12 mod

8308475: Make the thread dump files generated by jcmd Thread.dump_to_file jtreg failure handler action easily accessible

Reviewed-by: lmesnik



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