Integrated: 8308655: Narrow types of ConstantPool and ConstMethod returns

Coleen Phillimore coleenp at
Thu May 25 11:56:08 UTC 2023

On Tue, 23 May 2023 01:18:07 GMT, Coleen Phillimore <coleenp at> wrote:

> This change uses a number of ways to eliminate -Wconversion warnings in the metadata files in the oops directory. 
> 1. narrow return types to u2 if the accessor is for a field or value that's u2 (u2 is most common for constMethod fields and constant pool indices)
> 2. Use checked_cast<type> for places where we know the int value is u2 or s2 but propagating these types is too much fan out.
> 3. Use plain casts where it's obvious that the int value fits in the casted-to type.
> 4. Moved KlassKind to be contained in Klass to add the Unknown enum value to use instead of -1.
> 5. Moved the compute_from_signature function into ConstMethod as it sets values in ConstMethod and the parameters are changed in the set functions.  Removed some pass through functions in Method.
> Tested with tier1-4.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 2599ada1
Author:    Coleen Phillimore <coleenp at>
Stats:     204 lines in 31 files changed: 43 ins; 42 del; 119 mod

8308655: Narrow types of ConstantPool and ConstMethod returns

Reviewed-by: fparain, matsaave



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