RFR: 8339771: RISC-V: Reduce icache flushes [v2]

Ludovic Henry luhenry at openjdk.org
Tue Sep 17 12:33:05 UTC 2024

On Tue, 17 Sep 2024 06:40:12 GMT, Robbin Ehn <rehn at openjdk.org> wrote:

> ```
> default -XX:-UseCtxFencei -XX:+UseCtxFencei
> fop                  2830              2731  3.63%
> h2                  25361             25403 -0.17%
> jython              32482             32006  1.49%
> luindex              4231              4369 -3.16%
> lusearch             6142              5867  4.69%
> lusearch-fix         6337              6243  1.51%
> pmd                  9171              8970  2.24%
>                                              1.46%
> zgc xmx512m
> fop                  2583              2376  8.71%
> h2                  34520             33518  2.99%
> jython              36494             35243  3.55%
> luindex              4615              4497  2.62%
> lusearch             6705              6732 -0.40%
> lusearch-fix         6827              6485  5.27%
> pmd                  8385              8128  3.16%
>                                              3.70%
> zgc xmx128m
> fop                  3336              2718 22.74%
> jython              44385             35957 23.44%
> luindex              4552              4460  2.06%
> lusearch             9604              7272 32.07%
> lusearch-fix        10095              7489 34.80%
> pmd                 11238              9169 22.57%
>                                             22.95%
> ```

What's the unit of measurement? Also, lower is better? higher is better?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/20913#issuecomment-2355606588

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