Two asserts where only 1 is needed?
Tony Printezis
tony.printezis at
Tue Jul 17 14:38:09 UTC 2007
No, I can't think of a good reason to check the assertion for every call
to pop_local_slow(). I would think that checking the condition once in
the constructor would be enough.
Peter B. Kessler wrote:
> In hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/taskqueue.hpptaskqueue.hpp,
> there's
> template<class E>
> GenericTaskQueue<E>::GenericTaskQueue():TaskQueueSuper() {
> assert(sizeof(Age) == sizeof(jint), "Depends on this.");
> }
> which seems good and proper (except it doesn't say why it
> depends on the sizes being equal). But there's also
> template<class E>
> bool GenericTaskQueue<E>::
> pop_local_slow(juint localBot, Age oldAge) {
> ....
> assert(sizeof(Age) == sizeof(jint) && sizeof(jint) ==
> sizeof(juint),
> "Assumption about CAS unit.");
> which checks an additional condition and has a better failure
> message.
> Since Atomic::cmpxchg only deals in jint's, I don't see the reason
> for the check of sizeof(juint). This is the only place in the VM
> that checks sizeof(jint) == sizeof(juint).
> Can anyone think of a reason for the assert at each call of
> pop_local_slow if we've passed already passed the assert in
> the ctor?
> ... peter
> P.S. I'll probably fix the weird-line wrapping in the declaration
> of GenericTaskQueue<E>::pop_local_slow while I'm in there.
| Tony Printezis, Staff Engineer | Sun Microsystems Inc. |
| | MS BUR02-311 |
| e-mail: tony.printezis at | 1 Network Drive |
| office: +1 781 442 0998 (x20998) | Burlington, MA01803-0902, USA |
e-mail client: Thunderbird (Linux)
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