Eden space is not empty after a Full GC?

Y Srinivas Ramakrishna Y.S.Ramakrishna at Sun.COM
Mon May 14 16:23:26 UTC 2007

Neo Jia wrote On 05/14/07 09:00 AM,:

> hi,
> I just found that for the generational mark-sweep garbage collector,
> after a full GC, the eden space may not be empty.

That would usually be the case because of  bin-packing
issues with the sliding compaction that might prevent a large
object in Eden from being "slid" into the available space
in old gen or in the survivor space. It'll usually be the case
then that your are running with memory quite tight (or
with a huge Eden and very large objects).

Are there other situations where you see a non-empty Eden
following a mark-compact full collection?

> Is there any implementation concern for this? Can I force the full GC
> to clean the eden space?

A full gc would do a mark-compact collection.

-- ramki.

> Thanks,
> Neo


Y. Srinivas Ramakrishna               HotSpot JVM
Sun Microsystems, Inc., USCA 22-123   CSG / Sun Software
4220 Network Circle                   408 276 7250 (x17250)
Santa Clara, CA  95054, U.S.A.        Y dot S dot Ramakrishna at Sun dot COM
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