Long pauses with parallel collector

Karl Rosenbaum kalle at rosenbaum.se
Wed Mar 19 13:33:38 UTC 2008

Yes, I think that's a good idea too.

Karl Rosenbaum

Jon Masamitsu wrote:
> Karl Rosenbaum wrote:
>> Yes, it should be the serial compaction that we see, but why don't I 
>> see any long pauses in the first piece of statistics. It obviously 
>> should be able to run   an old generation collection without a 60 s 
>> pause.
>> To clarify, my question is "Why do I see the 60 s pauses now, when I 
>> didn't see them a few days before."
>> As I said, we have applied the CMS now, but we still need to 
>> understand what was   going on, and unfortunately we couldn't make any 
>> logging, because it is a production server that we can't experiment with.
> Without more information (i.e., logs) I for one cannot tell
> what's happening here.  I understand that you cannot experiment
> in production but some of our customers always have GC logging
> on by default.  We don't hear complaints about any performance
> impact (and have not seen one ourselves) so in the future you
> may want to consider turning on logging by default.

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