Request for review: 6941923: RFE: Handling large log files produced by long running Java Applications

Y. S. Ramakrishna y.s.ramakrishna at
Wed Apr 13 17:30:36 UTC 2011

But I agree with Jon that that would be a further new RFE,
rather than doing all of that at once.

Also, since the flags seem to be designed as a supported public interface,
a CCC (or appropriate) review request should be filed, so that
any changes stemming from that review are addressed before
this is pushed...

-- ramki

On 04/13/11 10:24, Y. S. Ramakrishna wrote:
> A possibility to pursue:
> You could make the appropriate flags manageable, and re-sample/re-snapshot
> into private variable (and when appropriate re-initialize the streams)
> at each safepoint where you now just check for log rotation.
> -- ramki
> On 04/13/11 09:54, yumin.qi at wrote:
>>  Current implementation will not work with outside tool, ostream_init 
>> called once in JVM starting and flags will not be changed rest of 
>> running supposedly. Now need to think of what if flags changed by 
>> outside tool.  Need reconsideration of changing flags from outside tool.
>> Thanks
>> Yumin
>> On 4/13/2011 8:47 AM, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
>>> Yasumasa ,
>>> Sounds like this is a request for an enhancement of the
>>> feature that Yumin has implemented.   Or rather maybe
>>> just a way of turning it on?  Or is it something more basic
>>> to the feature?
>>> Jon
>>> On 4/12/2011 5:55 PM, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>>> Hi Yumin,
>>>> I would like to rotate GC log triggered by the outside.
>>>> I think that it can be implemented using AttachLister 
>>>> (AttachOperationFunctionInfo [])
>>>> and invoker tool.
>>>> Could you examine it?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Yasumasa
>>>> (2011/04/13 3:41), yumin.qi at wrote:
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Summary:
>>>>> This is a RFE request for having a GC log rotation to prevent Java 
>>>>> application from over flooding disk with GC output running for long 
>>>>> time.
>>>>> In the implementation, supply three JVM options
>>>>> 1) -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation must be used with -Xloggc:file
>>>>> 2) -XX:MaxGCLogFileNumbers= set limit of rotation file numbers, 
>>>>> default to 1, maximum set to 1024.
>>>>> 3) -XX:GCLogFileSize= can be configured by user how big the file 
>>>>> size should be. Default to 10M. Minimum set to 512K if given from 
>>>>> option is less than 512K.
>>>>> If MaxGCLogFileNumbers=1, rotating output in same file, i.e write 
>>>>> from beginning of the file when reach cap of the file; with 
>>>>> MaxGCLogFileNumbers > 1 rotating files sequentially after reach cap 
>>>>> in file, file.1, file.2, ..., file.<MaxGCLogFileNumbers-1> then 
>>>>> back to file, file.1, ...
>>>>> Check if rotation needed at safepoint ending.
>>>>> Tested with multiple GC choices.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Yumin

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