PrintSafepointStatistics (was Re: understanding GC logs)

Ramki Ramakrishna y.s.ramakrishna at
Wed Aug 3 21:47:51 UTC 2011

Hi Kinnari -- hs14, which you are on, is rather old (current dev is 
hs22;  latest public is hs21).
Is it possible that you could switch to a more recent JDK? If that's not 
send me  an hs_err file and I can get a ticket opened for you via the 
usual support
channels. If the problem occurs with a recent hs21 or hs22, we can certainly
take a look here. In either case, I have modified the subject line for 
to the issue at hand, and also cross-posted to hsotspot-runtime-dev at o.j.n
where PrintSafepointStatistics expertise resides.

-- ramki

On 8/3/2011 2:40 PM, Darji, Kinnari wrote:
> Hi Ramki,
> Not sure what's the problem. The process dies with following when I 
> have +PrintSafepointStatistics
> java version "1.6.0_16"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode)
>      vmop_name               [threads: total initially_running 
> wait_to_block] [time: spin block sync] [vmop_time  time_elapsed] 
> page_trap_count
> no vm operation                    [       7          1              
> 1]          [     0     0     0]     [     0        0]          0
> Polling page always armed
>     0 VM operations coalesced during safepoint
> Maximum sync time      0 ms
> ~
> Can you please help?
> Thank you
> Kinnari
> *From:*Ramki Ramakrishna [mailto:y.s.ramakrishna at]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 03, 2011 2:36 PM
> *To:* Darji, Kinnari [ICG-IT]
> *Cc:* hotspot-gc-use at
> *Subject:* Re: understanding GC logs
> On 8/3/2011 11:18 AM, Darji, Kinnari wrote:
> Thanks Ramki
> So If I look at logs starting [GC and real times, that should be 
> almost application STW time. Am I correct?
> yes. Except that the real time in that display has a resolution of 10 
> ms only.
> (Thus the 9.2 ms looked like 0.01 s below, i think.)
> But yes, that's the STW time.
> One caveat though -- this only lists STW ops attributed to GC.
> More generally, you would want to use +PrintSafepointStatistics to
> see all STW operations (and details thereof), including of course the
> GC ops (which are usually the most common type of STW op, but by
> no means the only type).
> -- ramki
> Thank you
> Kinnari
> *From:*Ramki Ramakrishna [mailto:y.s.ramakrishna at]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 03, 2011 2:08 PM
> *To:* Darji, Kinnari [ICG-IT]
> *Cc:* hotspot-gc-use at 
> <mailto:hotspot-gc-use at>
> *Subject:* Re: understanding GC logs
> On 8/3/2011 10:45 AM, Darji, Kinnari wrote:
> Hello GC team,
> What does this all different time mean? Can someone please clarify?
> What is the time application when application stops?
> [GC 9768.668: [ParNew
>            ^^^^^^ JVM timestamp (seconds since start of JVM) at start 
> of GC operation)
>    3746 Desired survivor size 10878976 bytes, new threshold 4 (max 4)
>    3747 - age   1:     594288 bytes,     594288 total
>    3748 - age   2:    2369912 bytes,    2964200 total
>    3749 - age   3:    2877584 bytes,    5841784 total
>    3750 - age   4:    3075264 bytes,    8917048 total
>    3751 : 182066K->12384K(191744K), 0.0089120 secs] 
> 2755986K->2586303K(10710272K), 0.0092180 secs]
>                                                            ^^^^^^^^ 
>                                                            ^^^^^^^
>                                                           Duration of 
> Scavenge                                        Duration of whole GC 
> operation
> (includes scavenge)
> [Times: user=0.09 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
>      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Process virtual user and system 
> times, and real (elapsed) time during GC operation.
> The time for which the application threads were stopped is about 9.2 ms.
> -- ramki
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