Log Visualization Tools

Ramki Ramakrishna y.s.ramakrishna at oracle.com
Fri Aug 5 20:28:03 UTC 2011

Same here -- i sometimes use an internal homegrown awk script to extract the
metrics, so they can be massaged into a data file amenable to plotting 
with gnuplot.
That script does not take well to the extra output either, so we usually 
strip out the
extra output and deal with only the more fundamental metrics only. The 
extra output
from the more fancy flags has thus far been consumed only by humans or 
extracted on an ad-hoc basis into
spreadsheets and such. This is clearly not a nice state of affairs. I 
believe there is
work (or plans?) underway for some kind of logging framework into which 
the JVM will feed
its metrics, and hopefully the tooling that consumes those logs will be 
able to
deal with all these issues in a more uniform fashion once and for 
all.... Unfortunately,
I have no real details of that work, though...

Then there is gchisto which is GC-specific (but which also cannot 
consume the output
from the more fancy flags), but that has been placed on the backseat as 
other issues
have intervened.
In general, until GC logging formats are standardized, tools that 
consume textual
output from the JVM/GC will tend to break unless changes to these text 
formats are
carefully controlled. There has been some talk on and off about trying to
standardize those formats, but I am not sure about the status of that. 
May be the
logging framework mentioned earlier will provide a superstructure from 
which such
textual standardization will result naturally.

-- ramki

On 8/5/2011 12:40 PM, Eric Caspole wrote:
> Sometimes I use HPjmeter for plain Xloggc, but I don't think it can
> do the fancy extra flags either.
> On Aug 5, 2011, at 1:51 PM, Matt Fowles wrote:
>> All~
>> What tools do people know of or have for parsing gc logs and
>> visualizing the results?
>> The only thing I can find, GCViewer, (from
>> http://www.tagtraum.com/gcviewer.html) seems like it has not been
>> updated for a while and does not parse a lot of more complicated logs
>> (-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution or -XX:PrintCMSStatistics=1).
>> Are there more tools out there?  Are there in house tools that people
>> are willing to share?
>> Matt
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