RFR (S): 7080389: G1: refactor marking code in evacuation pause copy closures

Stefan Karlsson stefan.karlsson at oracle.com
Fri Aug 19 14:01:39 UTC 2011


On 08/19/2011 03:48 PM, Tony Printezis wrote:
> Bengt,
> On 08/19/2011 09:01 AM, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>> * At the two places in the do_oop_work method where you use the 
>> do_mark_forwardee paramter you have comments saying that it is an 
>> initial mark closure. This is correct, so I think that I would 
>> actually prefer that the parameter was called something with inital 
>> mark rather than having to have the comments.
> Can I defend the name of the parameter? It is true that 
> do_mark_forwardee is only true during an initial mark pause. But, 
> during an initial mark pause only some of the specializations of the 
> closure will have do_mark_forwardee set to true (the ones that scan 
> roots). So, whether the do_mark_forwardee is true does not only depend 
> on what kind of pause it is but also what kind of closure. So, IMHO, 
> naming it "during initial mark" or something like that would actually 
> be misleading.

But that's not what the comment says:

4339   // Need to mark the copied object if we're an initial
4340   // mark closure, or the object is already marked and
4341   // we need to preserve the mark.
4342   bool should_mark = do_mark_forwardee ||
4343       (_g1->mark_in_progress()&&  !_g1->is_obj_ill(obj));


4357     // Object is not in collection set - if we're an initial mark
4358     // closure then mark the object.
4359     if (do_mark_forwardee) {


> Tony

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