Request for review (XS): 7082220: Visual Studio projects broken after change 7016797: Hotspot: securely/restrictive load dlls and new

Poonam Bajaj poonam.bajaj at
Tue Aug 23 10:58:23 UTC 2011

Looks good!


On 8/23/2011 2:56 PM, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
> Hi all,
> Could I please have a couple of reviews for this small fix? After the 
> secure dll loading fix (7016797) the psapi.lib library is needed for 
> Windows builds. The original change made sure that this library is 
> provided to the linker for the command line builds. However, the 
> builds from inside Visual Studio also need to know about this library.
> Webrev:
> CR:
> Testing:
> I created a Visual Studio project with the create script and with the 
> change above the project builds nicely.
> I am including both Runtime and GC in this mail. The change is to 
> runtime code, but I would like to push this through hotspot-gc. The 
> reason is that this is blocking my work. Whenever I am setting up a 
> new repository I run into this issue. But it seems that I am the only 
> one who uses the Visual Studio builds at the moment. The issue has 
> been around for several months but it only got integrated into 
> hsx/hotspot-gc 5 days ago. So, for me it would be easier to integrate 
> directly into hotspot-gc and start using the fix rather than having to 
> wait for the fix to propagate from hotspot-rt to hotspot-gc.
> Thanks,
> Bengt


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