G1GC: many consecutive full gcs (was Re: hotspot-gc-use Digest, Vol 40, Issue 4)

Y. Srinivas Ramakrishna y.s.ramakrishna at oracle.com
Fri Jun 17 15:10:51 UTC 2011

Thanks for the responses and the extra information, Stefan and Alex.

Stefan, please try PermSize == MaxPermSize at the next opportunity,
although it's likely not to have any effect based on a preliminary
reading of the info you provided below.

As regards class histogram, please note that this would induce a
pause as long as the full gc's you see (or may be a bit shorter),
so use it with care when you obtain that information.

Meanwhile, we'll look over the information you have provided and
get back to you once we have made some headway. Thanks for bringing
this to our attention and for the data so far.

-- ramki

On 6/17/2011 12:00 AM, Stefan Wachter wrote:
> Hi Ramki,
> thanks for your interest. See my answers below.
> Cheers,
> Stefan
> On 06/17/2011 12:20 AM, Y. S. Ramakrishna wrote:
>> Stefan and Alex --
>> (1) what's the version of the JVM used?
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07)
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.1-b02, mixed mode)
>> (2) could you try PermSize == MaxPermSize and see if it made any
>> difference?
> PermSize was not set until now. I try this setting and can report results the next time our cluster
> nodes are switched.
>> (3) do you have lots of WeakReference or Finalizer objects in your system?
> I have no information about this. I guess a heap dump would provide that information. I will ask our
> admins if it is possible to take a heap dump.
>> (4) is what you have below your complete GC log (i.e. no gaps between first and last line?)
> Yes, that is the original output of the GC. No lines were removed.
>> (5) what do you see when using CMS (in case you tried it)?
> CMS seems to behave better (see attached gc.log). The settings used with CMS are:
> -Xmx10000M
> -Xms1024M
> -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m
> -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps
> -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
>> (6) do you have a simple test case that you can share with
>> us that exhibits this behaviour?
> Unfortunately I have no simple test case. The output is from our life system running a tomcat with
> various wars deployed.
>> thanks!
>> -- ramki
>> On 06/16/11 14:02, Alex Aisinzon wrote:
>>> Stefan
>>> I have had similar experience with G1 and reported it here.
>>> I tried the option to try to limit GC pauses (-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis with
>>> 1s and then 2s). It did not improve things.
>>> I am happy to try anything else to help improve G1.
>>> Alex A
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: hotspot-gc-use-bounces at openjdk.java.net
>>> [mailto:hotspot-gc-use-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of
>>> hotspot-gc-use-request at openjdk.java.net
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 12:00 PM
>>> To: hotspot-gc-use at openjdk.java.net
>>> Subject: hotspot-gc-use Digest, Vol 40, Issue 4
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>>> Today's Topics:
>>> 1. G1GC: many consecutive full gcs (Stefan Wachter)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 09:23:05 +0200
>>> From: Stefan Wachter <Stefan.Wachter at gmx.de>
>>> Subject: G1GC: many consecutive full gcs
>>> To: hotspot-gc-use at openjdk.java.net
>>> Message-ID: <4DF9AF59.90708 at gmx.de>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>> Hi all,
>>> the G1GC runs nicely for some time but then it starts to have bursts of consecutive full gcs (see
>>> log below). Can anyone explain that behaviour?
>>> The JVM is stared with these options:
>>> -Xmx10000M
>>> -Xms1024M
>>> -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m
>>> -XX:+UseG1GC
>>> -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=2000
>>> -XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis=10000
>>> --Stefan
>>> 31314.569: [GC pause (young) 3286M->3234M(8937M), 0.0485530 secs]
>>> 31374.932: [GC pause (young) 3279M->3236M(8937M), 0.0486560 secs]
>>> 31837.688: [GC pause (young) 4614M->3252M(8937M), 0.0739370 secs]
>>> 33528.784: [GC pause (young) 5997M->3330M(8937M), 0.1543940 secs]
>>> 35372.029: [GC pause (young) 6038M->3405M(8937M), 0.2364930 secs]
>>> 36508.343: [Full GC 8525M->2903M(9678M), 8.9121160 secs]
>>> 38204.291: [Full GC 8647M->2295M(10000M), 7.4105940 secs]
>>> 39038.017: [Full GC 8790M->2092M(6975M), 6.7242110 secs]
>>> 39047.736: [Full GC 8996M->2089M(9998M), 6.0741630 secs]
>>> 39095.551: [Full GC 8936M->2090M(6969M), 5.5573390 secs]
>>> 39104.326: [Full GC 9175M->2092M(9997M), 5.3413860 secs]
>>> 39112.760: [Full GC 9392M->2094M(9978M), 5.4884150 secs]
>>> 41965.304: [Full GC 9549M->2112M(7043M), 6.4774550 secs]
>>> 43830.656: [GC pause (young) 4615M->2309M(7043M), 0.1727720 secs]
>>> 46024.398: [GC pause (young) 4638M->2497M(7043M), 0.3039900 secs]
>>> 46068.009: [Full GC 8832M->2237M(10000M), 6.6717340 secs]
>>> 46077.691: [Full GC 9322M->2187M(9987M), 5.8603570 secs]
>>> 46086.731: [Full GC 9487M->2189M(9996M), 5.8521360 secs]
>>> 46124.713: [Full GC 8792M->2185M(9895M), 5.7782260 secs]
>>> 46133.366: [Full GC 9297M->2188M(9999M), 5.7263360 secs]
>>> 46142.238: [Full GC 9509M->2189M(9985M), 5.5704850 secs]
>>> 47454.530: [Full GC 9676M->2295M(7653M), 7.3169840 secs]
>>> 48163.422: [GC pause (young) 4937M->2431M(7653M), 0.2379570 secs]
>>> 48887.388: [GC pause (young) 5007M->2497M(7653M), 0.1999790 secs]
>>> ------------------------------
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>>> End of hotspot-gc-use Digest, Vol 40, Issue 4
>>> *********************************************
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