Request for review (S): 7110718 -XX:MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount=0 crashes the JVM

Srinivas Ramakrishna ysr1729 at
Mon Nov 14 19:32:41 UTC 2011

Thanks, Bengt, for the super-quick turnaround!! A comment below on the
choice of <= 0 for the option value....

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 1:25 AM, Bengt Rutisson
<bengt.rutisson at>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Can I have a couple of reviews for this small change?
> It is a fix for the issue that Ramki reported recently.
> MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount is used for division and Hotspot crashes if it
> is set to 0.
> I choose to log an error and exit the VM if someone tries to start with
> -XX:**MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount=0. An alternative is to just log a
> warning and set it to 1.
> I prefer the error way since it is not really clear what one wants to
> achieve with MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount=0. Always do full compactions or
> never do full compactions? So I am not convinced that 1 is an appropriate
> value.
> Also, since the VM, up until now, has crashed if someone tried -XX:**MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount=0
> I think we can be sure that there are no customers that are running with
> that setting. It should be safe to forbid it.

I agree with that statement. However, given that the value 0 was producing
crashes, proving that no production code would have been using that setting,
and based on yr comment above that the 0 value could as well have been used
to denote "never force full compaction", it seems as though an alternative
to exiting with
an error, is now to define all values <=0 to mean "never _force_ full

Especially since tolerating allowed input values and mapping them to
specific non-exiting behaviours allows us to modify production JVM's on the
without causing loss of availability. (Consider a future in which this
option becomes a "manageable"; you would then be faced with the same
question, and it seems as though making this choice now would help maintain
consistency and robustness going forward -- we could of course
always throw a "illegal value exception" or such at that point, but
allowing the specification of "never _force_ full compaction" (unless the
otherwise chooses to) would appear to be a choice to allow users; mapping
negative and 0 values to that setting would avoid having to
throw an error.) However, I understand that this is somewhat subjective, so
I am willing to go with whatever the majority consensus here
mght be. It just seemed more pleasant to:
(1) allow the specification of reasonable behaviour (i.e. never _force_ ...)
(2) map the full domain of the option to a reasonable behaviour (i.e. allow
<= 0 to map to never _force_ ..)


-- ramki

> CR:
> 7110718 -XX:**MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount=0 crashes the JVM
> Thanks,
> Bengt
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