JEP 158: Unified JVM logging

Staffan Larsen staffan.larsen at
Sun Aug 19 19:52:52 UTC 2012

On 17 aug 2012, at 22:32, Kirk Pepperdine <kirk at> wrote:

>> The suggestion in the JEP is that each category/component has several levels, so in that sense they are not independent. To enable logging you would specify a list of {component, level} tuples, like:
>> gc:info, younggen:trace
>> But to make it easier to type in the most common case the 'info' level is considered 'default' if nothing else is specified. So the above would be equivalent to saying just
>> gc, younggen:trace
> Right, and this is at the heart of one of my objections is that the predefined levels used by everyone lack semantic meaning where as being able to define tags or groups of tags would allow one to define levels but not force one to use levels. There certainly is a case for levels and I would not want them precluded but I do not believe it is desirable for all components to hierarchically reduce log messages.
> If I had a better idea of the schedule for the JEP I'd have a better understanding of when I might be able to pitch in rather then just play seagull.

The schedule is vague at the best. Originally we thought we could do this for jdk 8, but there aren't resources enough to do that. I'm still hoping for jdk 9, but the infrastructure needs to be done early in the jdk 9 schedule to give all groups time to adapt their logging. No resources (within Oracle) has yet been committed to the project.


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