MaxTenuringThreshold available in ParNewGC?

Florian Binder java at
Tue Jan 10 10:23:26 UTC 2012


you have the source code with most jvm-parameters.
I know, it is a webrev and not the newest file, but there are the most 
parameters with a short description ;-)

An other way is to enable PrintFlagsFinal or PrintFlagsInitial or just run:
java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal


Am 10.01.2012 10:49, schrieb Li Li:
> btw, is there any web page that list all the jvm parameters and their 
> default values? I am confused that they are distributed in many 
> documents and some are deprecated.
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 5:31 PM, Li Li <fancyerii at 
> <mailto:fancyerii at>> wrote:
>     hi all
>        I have an application that generating many large objects and
>     then discard them. I found that full gc can free memory from 70%
>     to 40%.
>     btw, is there any web page that list all JVM parameters and their
>     default values?
>      I want to let this objects in young generation longer. I found
>     -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold and -XX:PretenureSizeThreshold.
>        But I found a blog that says MaxTenuringThreshold is not used
>     in ParNewGC.
>     And I use ParNewGC+CMS. I tried to set MaxTenuringThreshold=10,
>     but it seems no difference.
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