CRR (XXS): 7078465: G1: Don't use the undefined value (-1) for the G1 old memory pool max size

Tony Printezis tony.printezis at
Wed Jan 18 13:32:51 UTC 2012


Thanks for the comments below and for catching that I forgot to update 
the copyright year! I will try to push this today after your get your 
second changeset in.


On 1/18/2012 6:38 AM, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
> Tony,
> On 2012-01-17 22:19, Tony Printezis wrote:
>> Bengt,
>> I don't think what I had written on the CR actually makes sense. The 
>> old gen min capacity cannot be the heap min capacity given that, when 
>> the heap capacity is at the minimum, the old gen capacity could be 
>> smaller (we need space for the young gen for example). So, I think 
>> I'll leave it as is (and I'll update the CR if you agree). 
> Good point. I completely agree.
>> I did update a couple of related comments in the code, here's the 
>> updated webrev:
> Looks good. Great that you found the comment too.
> Copyright year needs to be 2012... ;-)
>> I'll push it tomorrow as long as noone has any objections.
> I am all for it!
> Bengt
>> Tony
>> On 01/17/2012 03:47 PM, Tony Printezis wrote:
>>> Bengt,
>>> Good point, I'll add it to the change and do some more testing 
>>> before publishing a new webrev. Thanks,
>>> Tony
>>> On 01/17/2012 07:28 AM, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>>>> Hi Tony,
>>>> This looks good! :-)
>>>> One question. The CR says "Similarly, we should consider setting 
>>>> the old minimum capacity to the heap minimum capacity. This is only 
>>>> used by jstat and currently we set the minimum capacity of all the 
>>>> spaces to 0.". Do you want to do that as well?
>>>> Bengt
>>>> On 2012-01-12 16:51, Tony Printezis wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I'd like a couple of code reviews for this very small  change (one 
>>>>> line!):
>>>>> Currently, all the G1 memory pools return "undefined" (-1) as 
>>>>> their max size given that there are no hard boundaries between 
>>>>> them. Jon Masamitsu suggested to at least return the heap max for 
>>>>> the old memory pool so that the pool data is a little bit more 
>>>>> informative.
>>>>> Tony

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