review request (XS) - 7112413: disable AdaptiveSizePolicy w/CMS

Bengt Rutisson bengt.rutisson at
Wed Jan 25 08:01:37 UTC 2012

Hi John,

Looks good.

One minor comment:

I'd prefer the test:

1045     if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAdaptiveSizePolicy)) {

to be:

1045     if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(UseAdaptiveSizePolicy)) {

I think users are only interested in the warning if they actually had 
the switch on the command line. If hotspot turns on the flag 
ergonomically I think it is just confusing to customers to see the warning.

And a nit: copyright year should be 2012 ;-)

Finally, a question that is not directly related to your change now. But 
what is the plan for CMS and UseAdaptiveSizePolicy? Do we plan on fixing 
it or should we just remove it? If the latter is the case, is there a CR 
to remove it? With your change there is quite a few lines of code that 
are essentially dead now.


On 2012-01-25 06:26, John Coomes wrote:
> I'd appreciate reviews of a simple change to disable
> AdaptiveSizePolicy with CMS and/or ParNew, even if it has been enabled
> on the command line.
> -John

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