Good benchmarks for testing GC performance/scalability

Lokesh Gidra lokesh.gidra at
Tue Jun 12 06:01:43 UTC 2012

Actually i have tried SPECjvm2008 but even there benchmarks do not have large heap requirements.

Is it worth to make both SPECjbb2012 and SPECjbb2005 tests or the former one covers the later?

LokeshIgor Veresov <iggy.veresov at> wrote:If you have access to SPEC benchmarks,  SPECjbb2012 and SPECjvm2008 are worth trying too. They're all multithreaded and in many instances would benefit from memory placement opts.


On Jun 11, 2012, at 7:39 PM, Lokesh Gidra wrote:


I am making some NUMA related optimizations to the parallelScavenge GC. And I want to test the performance on NUMA multo-core server with some multi-threaded benchmarks with multi-GB heap requirements. I have tried DaCapo but its heap requirements are pretty small. I know of SPECjbb2055, but nothing other than that. Can someone please suggest me some benchmarks for this purpose.

Thanks in advance.


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