javax GC API

Suminda Dharmasena sirinath at
Fri Apr 19 08:06:22 UTC 2013


Any thoughts plans to add API accessibility to the GC subsystems and the
ability to add our own GC.

Looking for the comments from the community and Oracle.

In addition I like to propose introducing the following annotations for
more predictable GC overheads:

   - GCAtBlockEnd
   - GCAtBlockExit - for loops the GC happens when the
   - GCAtLastReference
   - GCAtEndOfScope
   - GCOnAssignment
   - GCOnReturn
   - GCOnGCOfContainingObject - GC on GC of aggregate / composing object
   - GCOnStatementCompletion - GC parameters and return value (if not
   assigned) of a call when the function returns. Need to support statement
   level annotations.
   - GCOnLastResort - Only GC at last resort before outofmemory exception -
   class level
   - ExcludeFinalising - prevent finalizers running on the object - class
   - GCUsingCurrentThread
   - GCUsingDefaultThread
   - GCUsingNewThread(Priority = n)

To do this annotations need to be extended to local variables and for some
application at the statement / block level.

At each point the objects pointed by the handle are GCed if there is
a possibility (reference count becomes 0). If a reference to an object is
specified to be

Suminda Sirinath Salpitikorala Dharmasena, B.Sc. Comp. & I.S. (Hon.) Lond.,
P.G.Dip. Ind. Maths. J'Pura, MIEEE, MACM, CEO Sakrīō! ▣ *Address*: 6G • 1st
Lane • Pagoda Road • Nugegoda 10250 • Sri Lanka. ▣ *Tele*: +94-(0)11-5
864614 / 5 875614 / 2 825908 ▣ *Web*: ▣

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