Deadlock while running SPECjbb2013

Mikael Gerdin mikael.gerdin at
Wed Apr 24 15:03:07 UTC 2013

It would also be a good idea to try with a more recent version of he 
JDK. A lot of bugs have been fixed since JDK7 GA (which is b147).


On 04/24/2013 04:16 PM, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
> I don't think we've seen this.  What OS?
> I can create a bug report for this.  Please send the info needed to
> reproduce it.
> Thanks.
> Jon
> On 4/23/13 4:59 AM, Lokesh Gidra wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to experiment SPECjbb2013 on a 48-core AMD machine with
>> the following command line options on OpenJDK7 build 147:
>> -XX:ParallelGCThreads=46 -Xms8g -Xmx8g -XX:+UseParallelOldGC
>> -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:-UseLargePages -XX:-UseCompressedOops
>> The execution hangs sometimes. When I attached the process to gdb,
>> found that the GC threads are stuck in the marking phase of Old
>> generation collection. The bug also hits with lesser GC threads. I am
>> wondering if this is a known issue.
>> Regards,
>> Lokesh

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