Request for review: JDK-8009561 NPG: Metaspace fragmentation when retiring a Metachunk

Mikael Gerdin mikael.gerdin at
Thu Aug 1 11:42:41 UTC 2013


On 2013-06-12 00:51, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
> On 6/11/13 2:46 PM, Mikael Gerdin wrote:
>> Jon
>> On 06/07/2013 07:36 PM, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
>>> On 6/7/2013 8:28 AM, Mikael Gerdin wrote:
>>>> Jon,
>>>> On 2013-06-06 16:50, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
>>>>> Mikael,
>>>>> Thanks.  I'd be interested in seeing the instrumentation you
>>>>> add.  Might be worth adding as an enhancement in a later
>>>>> changeset.
>>>> I did a 1hr KS run today with and without block splitting, here's what
>>>> I came up with (in an entirely non-scientific way)
>>> Good graphs.
>>> The behavior is what we expect (I think).  With splitting we are able to
>>> do more
>>> small allocations from the dictionary (where we split a larger block to
>>> get a smaller
>>> block) and get fewer larger blocks allocated (some have been split).
>>>> We hit the HWM 4 times with splitting and 5 times without splitting.
>>> Because we don't have to expand (get new chunks as often, which is
>>> good) I
>>> would surmise.
>>>> On the other hand: splitting did lead us with more metaspace memory
>>>> committed in the end.
>>> One explanation would be that allocations of larger block need to come
>>> out of newly committed space instead of the dictionary (where the large
>>> blocks have been broken up).
>>> Is there a policy that we could use that says
>>> "break up a larger block for a smaller block allocation only if ..."
>>> You fill in the blank?
>> ...only if the larger block is less than 4 times larger than the
>> allocation? 2 times? 8 times?
>> I could try some more KS runs but I'm unsure if the figures I come up
>> with are actually relevant.
> I also don't know if more KS runs would be relevant.    Can you ask the
> dictionary
> how many blocks there are of the size you're going to split?  If we only
> split if
> there are more than 4 blocks of that size, that would moderate the
> splitting
> a bit.

I did some more experiments and made generated some more histograms:

The "4x size limit" experiment uses Dither::atLeast but returns the 
block if it's 4x larger than the allocation request. My intention was to 
avoid unnecessary fragmentation of the large free blocks.

The "4 freelist entry limit" experiment uses Dither::atLeast and queries 
the freelist for the amount of blocks of that particular size, freelist 
allocation is refused if there are less than 4 blocks remaining of the 
block size returned from the Dither::atLeast query.

I also added the total amount words of successfully allocated from the 
freelists for each experiment.


> Jon
>>>> I put up the very simple instrumentation at:
>>>> I also changed the allocation_from_dictionary_limit to 4k to force us
>>>> to make more freelist allocations.
>>> Does it really make sense to have any allocation_from_dictionary_limit?
>>> I know it was initially added because allocation from a freelist takes
>>> longer
>>> but to have a static limit like that just seems to put that space
>>> forever
>>> beyond reach.
>> I thought you had added the limit. I sort of feel that 64k is a bit
>> much but the code would definitely be simpler if there was none.
>> We already take the hit of acquiring a Mutex for each Metaspace
>> allocation so maybe the dictionary lookup isn't that expensive?
>>> Thanks for the numbers.
>> You're welcome.
>> /Mikael
>>> Jon
>>>> /Mikael
>>>>> Jon
>>>>> On 6/6/13 2:22 AM, Mikael Gerdin wrote:
>>>>>> Jon,
>>>>>> On 2013-06-06 04:41, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
>>>>>>> On 6/5/2013 7:04 AM, Mikael Gerdin wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> Can I have some reviews of this small fix to the Metaspace memory
>>>>>>>> allocation path.
>>>>>>>> Problem:
>>>>>>>> When a Metaspace allocation request cannot be satisfied by the
>>>>>>>> current
>>>>>>>> chunk the chunk is retired and a new chunk is requested. This
>>>>>>>> causes
>>>>>>>> whatever is left in the chunk to be effectively leaked.
>>>>>>>> Suggested fix:
>>>>>>>> Put the remaining memory in each chunk on the Metablock freelist
>>>>>>>> so it
>>>>>>>> can be used to satisfy future allocations.
>>>>>>>> Possible addition:
>>>>>>>> When allocating from the block free list, use
>>>>>>>> FreeBlockDictionary<Metablock>::atLeast instead of
>>>>>>>> FreeBlockDictionary<Metablock>::exactly and split the Metablock if
>>>>>>>> it's large enough.
>>>>>>>> One might argue that this increases the fragmentation of the
>>>>>>>> memory on
>>>>>>>> the block free list but I think that we primarily want to use the
>>>>>>>> block free list for small allocations and allocate from chunks for
>>>>>>>> large allocations.
>>>>>>>> Webrev:
>>>>>>>> Only fix:
>>>>>>> The "Only fix" looks good.  Did you test with
>>>>>>> metaspace_slow_verify=true?
>>>>>>>> Incremental webrev for splitting blocks:
>>>>>>> Change looks good.
>>>>>>> Did you do any long running tests with the block splitting? Such as
>>>>>>> 24hours with kitchensink?  Something that would reuse Metablocks
>>>>>>> so that we can see if we are fragmenting instead of reusing?
>>>>>> I did some runs earlier but I don't have any data from them.
>>>>>> I can try to get an instrumented build together and run KS over the
>>>>>> weekend.
>>>>>> /Mikael
>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>>> Bug links:
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> /Mikael

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