RFR(S): 7189971: Implement CMSWaitDuration for non-incremental mode of CMS

Bernd Eckenfels bernd-2013 at eckenfels.net
Thu Jan 10 21:02:05 UTC 2013


two amateur :) questions:

Am 10.01.2013, 21:20 Uhr, schrieb John Cuthbertson
<john.cuthbertson at oracle.com>:
>> I've done a couple of sanity tests with GCOld with CMSWaitDuration=0  
>> and CMSWaitDuration=1500 with CMS.

Is there a risk involved in waiting long/endless? For example larger than
some RMI GC intervall or too long for catching up with the filling of OG?
How to test for that?

>>>>        // No wait limit, wait if necessary forever
>>>>        wait_time_millis = 0;

I typically not use a endless wait limit when there is a loop with a fixed
endtime but use a large but limited number. This helps to catch situations
where wakeup is missing (for example on shutdown) or lost. Would it be an
option to use something like 10s?


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