CMS parallel initial mark; vm thread sneaking in Thread::try_lock()

Hiroshi Yamauchi yamauchi at
Mon Jun 17 22:46:51 UTC 2013

Hi David,

This is a simple and efficient approach if you are happy to skip sampling
> when others are doing it. A couple of things about the way you implemented
> this though:
> a) the variable should be a jint. Using a jbyte is unlikely to save space
> because it will need to be correctly aligned on some platforms. Conversely
> atomic ops on unaligned subwords, if allowed, can take a performance hit.
> And in the worst case attempting a CAS on an unaligned jbyte could cause a
> crash! Also it should be marked volatile.
> b) there is no need to use CAS to restore the variable to zero. But you
> would need to use a store_fence, as done in the sync code.

>  The suggestion that tripped this thread has been to use existing VM
>> code, in particular monitors, as they seem to have the requested
>> functionality. There does not seem to be need for rolling own code here.
> True, try_lock and unlock are functionally equivalent but may be less
> performant due to the added support for blocking that you don't need.
>  The code in that critical section is very short, and straight line code;
>> the critical section boiler plate code is larger than that...
>> Then there has been the concern about that try_lock() may be sneaked by
>> the vm thread; and some suggestions to put these concerns to rest.
>> See
>> webrev.00/src/share/vm/gc_**implementation/**concurrentMarkSweep/**
>> concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.**cpp.udiff.html<>,
>> in the sample_eden_chunk() method.
>> So maybe could you confirm the statements made so far:
>> - Monitor::try_lock()/::unlock() is equivalent to what the change does
>> in this case.
>> (I had a look at the unlock() code, and it's a lot more complicated than
>> the equivalent code in the change. It boils down to the same behavior
>> however?)
> Yes.

Thanks. We should try try_lock() first. But *if* we end up needing to go
with the custom synchronization, we should improve it based on your notes.

>  - that new sampling code is supposed to be only every executed while the
>> mutator is running. Sneaking can only occur during safepoints; so it's
>> use here would be "safe" in that there will be no sneaking at all. There
>> is no case when the suggested assert(!
>> SafepointSynchronize::is_at_**safepoint()) would fire?
> That seems reasonable. But I think you are misunderstanding what sneaking
> does. It isn't dangerous, you don't get multiple threads inside a critical
> region or anything strange like that - as long as the other threads using
> it will stop at safepoints of course! With monitors/mutexes a point is
> reached where the lock has been claimed but the new owner then blocks at a
> safepoint. So externally it looks like the lock is owned but the owner has
> not yet entered the critical region. If the VMThread needed that same lock
> there would be a deadlock. So the VMThread is allowed to "sneak" the lock,
> effectively taking ownership of it as-if the real owner blocked just before
> it could take ownership. The real owner can't wake up and enter the
> critical section until the safepoint is over and the VMThread will release
> the lock before it ends the safepoint. Note that any lock needed by the
> VMThread at a safepoint should not be used to guard critical sections in
> which other safepoint checks occur, else you would again get a deadlock.
> (And these locks are not reentrant.)

Thanks. If we only call try_lock() and unlock() on a mutex/monitor, then no
thread will block due to a safepoint synchronization inside that
mutex/monitor (as I see no ThreadBlockInVM in try_lock()). That is, we
won't encounter a situation where a VM thread sneak may happen, and we
don't need to worry about sneaking. Is that right?

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