Review request: 8015422: Large performance hit when the StringTable is walked twice in Parallel Scavenge

Per Lidén per.liden at
Mon May 27 14:25:29 UTC 2013


On 2013-05-27 13:50, Stefan Karlsson wrote:
> 8015422: Large performance hit when the StringTable is walked twice in
> Parallel Scavenge
> Summary: Combine the calls to StringTable::unlink and
> StringTable::oops_do in Parallel Scavenge.
> The patch is built on top of this clean-up patch:
> The fix has been verified to give ~10% lower young GC times on the CRM
> Sales Opty, the benchmark where this issue was found.

Nice! Looks good, just a minor naming convention question. Would it make 
sense to call the new unlink() function oops_do() instead? I think of 
oops_do() as "adjust or remove references" and unlink() is to me more 
"nothing needs to be adjusted, just remove any dead references". Or 
maybe unlink/oops_do has a different meaning to other people?

A more general comment, or more like a suggestion for a future 
improvement. My guess is that the overwhelming majority of the interned 
String objects are old, meaning that most of the table traversal we do 
every young GC is a waste of time. If the table can provide something 
like young_oops_do(), which only traverses the young references, we can 
probably cut another ~10% of the young GC times in the FA CRM case.

/Per (not a reviewer)

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