Bugfix on CMSClassUnloadingEnabled used with CMSClassUnloadingMaxInterval > 0

Jon Masamitsu jon.masamitsu at oracle.com
Wed Oct 2 14:34:59 UTC 2013


I heard back from Ramki on the setting of the scanning options and it
likely is not what I thought it was.  He commented that your suggestion
about  SO_SystemClasses or SO_AllClasses being the reasonable
possibilities sounded right.  But  I'm a bit hesitant to change to using
a set_root_scanning_option() (discarding the persistent state in
_root_scanning_options) without having a very clear understanding
about how we got to the current code.

For Jungwoo's change I'd like to continue to use the add / remove
paradigm and investigate the set_root_scanning_option()


On 10/1/2013 10:13 PM, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
> On 10/1/2013 6:51 AM, Mikael Gerdin wrote:
>> On 09/30/2013 08:29 PM, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
>>> On 9/30/13 8:33 AM, Mikael Gerdin wrote:
>>>> Jungwoo,
>>>> On 09/25/2013 12:36 AM, Jungwoo Ha wrote:
>>>>> Mikael,
>>>>> I updated the patch as you mentioned.
>>>>> There are no "set"_root_scanning_option, so I added that.
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rasbold/8024954/webrev/
>>>> Why do you check CMSClassUnloadingEnabled before checking
>>>> should_unload_classes()?
>>>> This will cause the code for
>>>> ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses to break, since it
>>>> doesn't depend on CMSClassUnloading being set.
>>>> I think you could just move
>>>> "set_root_scanning_option(SharedHeap::SO_SystemClasses);" into the
>>>> existing should_unload_classes() check.
>>>> Upon closer inspection I think that
>>>> "set_root_scanning_option(SO_AllClasses|SO_Strings|SO_CodeCache);"
>>>> in the case of !should_unload_classes() is incorrect since we should
>>>> be unloading strings every cycle regardless of the class unloading 
>>>> state.
>>>> Maybe it would be better to keep part of your original suggestion and
>>>> doing:
>>> Mikael,
>>> Could you explain your suggestion of using set_root_scanning_option()?
>>> _root_scanning_options is part of CMSCollector and there's only one
>>> CMSCollector
>>> (right?) so whatever is in _root_scanning_options persists from
>>> collection to collection.
>>> I don't know that there are some bits set in _root_scanning_options 
>>> that
>>> should
>>> be preserved but it's possible so resetting _root_scanning_options with
>>> set_root_scanning_option() could be losing bits.
>> Jon,
>> I'm actually pretty confused by the code which adds and removes 
>> SO_Strings and SO_CodeCache from the CMSCollector's 
>> root_scanning_options.
>> I don't understand why they should ever be roots for CMS, the only 
>> ScanOptions which make sense to me are SO_SystemClasses or 
>> SO_AllClasses, depending on wether we are going to unload classes 
>> this particular CMS cycle.
>> Since I believe that these are the only two reasonable values I think 
>> that the add/remove logic is confusing to readers of the code if 
>> there aren't any other values that need to be preserved.
>> I think that this ScanOption mess is somehow related to perm gen 
>> verification which has (obviously) been removed from 8, and the fact 
>> that interned strings were in the perm gen before 7, so if we were 
>> not going to sweep perm gen we would just treat the StringTable as 
>> roots.
> From looking at the SO_CodeCache ScanningOption this may be related to
> a class unloading bug that was fixed some time during jdk7 development.
> C2 keeps some profiling information at call sites which include 
> pointers to
> methods.  The profiling information was keeping classes alive. The
> desired behavior was that the pointers to methods in the profiling
> information would act as weak reference.  As I recall the fix for all the
> collectors except CMS was straight forward but the CMS fix was
> rather complicated and may have used the ScanningOption.   I'll
> ping Ramki on this to see if he remembers anything about it.
> Jon
>> As soon as (should_unload_classes() != CMSClassUnloadingEnabled) (for 
>> any reason) we will run into the bug we are trying to fix here.
>> /Mikael
>>> Jon
>>>> if (should_unload_classes()) {
>>>>   set_root_scanning_option(SO_SystemClasses);
>>>>   set_verifying(should_verify);
>>>>   return;
>>>> } else {
>>>>   remove_root_scanning_option(SO_SystemClasses);
>>>>   add_root_scanning_option(SO_AllClasses);
>>>> }
>>>> The whole chunk of code below
>>>> assert(!should_unload_classes()) seems suspect to me, it adds the
>>>> strings to the root set if verification is enabled which seems to
>>>> suggest that if verification is enabled CMS will never unlink interned
>>>> strings. I've been digging around a bit in the history and I think the
>>>> code is related to perm gen verification, which does not exist in 8
>>>> any more, so we may be able to get rid of it. I want to understand the
>>>> reason for adding and removing SO_Strings and SO_CodeCache, because
>>>> doing that does not make sense to me in the 8 codebase.
>>>> /Mikael
>>>>> Jungwoo
>>>>> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 4:48 AM, Mikael Gerdin 
>>>>> <mikael.gerdin at oracle.com
>>>>> <mailto:mikael.gerdin at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>>>     Hi Jungwoo,
>>>>>     On 2013-09-17 01:14, Jungwoo Ha wrote:
>>>>>         Hi,
>>>>>         We found that hotspot crashes when 
>>>>> CMSClassUnloadingEnabled is
>>>>>         true, and
>>>>>         CMSClassUnloadingMaxInterval > 0.
>>>>>         This is on hotspot24 and u40.
>>>>>         This is easily reproducible with DaCapo tradesoap 
>>>>> benchmark with
>>>>>         heapsize around 200MB.
>>>>>         The reason for the crash is that CMS sets the root set when
>>>>>         CMSClassUnloadingEnabled is on during the constructor phase
>>>>> assuming
>>>>>         that every CMS cycle will unload the class.
>>>>>         However, when CMSClassUnloadingMaxInterval > 0, CMS may not
>>>>> unload
>>>>>         classes ended up crashing.
>>>>>         I think this is apparently a bug, and I attach the fix.
>>>>>         Please take a look at the attached patch.
>>>>>         My changes are resetting the root scanning option on every 
>>>>> CMS
>>>>>         cycle in
>>>>>         setup_cms_unloading_and___verification_state() if
>>>>>         CMSCLassUnloadingEnabled
>>>>>         is on.
>>>>>         Please take a look and let us know how to proceed.
>>>>>     Jon filed a bug for this:
>>>>>     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/__browse/JDK-8024954
>>>>> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8024954>
>>>>>     I think the code change fixes the bug but I'd like it better 
>>>>> if you
>>>>>     changed the code to always set the requested ScanOption values in
>>>>>     setup_cms_unloading_and___verification_state
>>>>>     something like:
>>>>>     if (should_unload_classes()) {
>>>>>     set_root_scanning_option(SO___SystemClasses);
>>>>>     } else {
>>>>> set_root_scanning_option(SO___AllClasses|SO_Strings|SO___CodeCache);
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     I also believe that your check for CMSClassUnloadingEnabled can
>>>>>     cause a bug similar to the one you are trying to fix if
>>>>>     ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAnd__UnloadsClasses would be enabled.
>>>>>     should_unload_classes() should be sufficient to determine which
>>>>>     ScanOptions to set for a particular cms cycle.
>>>>>     Please send a patch/webrev based on the latest jdk8 sources
>>>>>     http://hg.openjdk.java.net/__hsx/hotspot-gc/hotspot
>>>>> <http://hg.openjdk.java.net/hsx/hotspot-gc/hotspot>
>>>>>     Since the function is also messing around with the verification
>>>>>     flags, make sure to run some tests on your changes with 
>>>>> verification
>>>>>     enabled.
>>>>>     /Mikael
>>>>>         Thanks,
>>>>>         Jungwoo

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