RFR: 8025856 - Fix typos in the GC code

Bengt Rutisson bengt.rutisson at oracle.com
Sun Oct 13 20:12:39 UTC 2013

Hi Kirk,

On 10/13/13 4:11 PM, Kirk Pepperdine wrote:
> Hi,
> In gcCause.cpp I have this...
>      case _java_lang_system_gc:
>        return "System.gc()";
> This use to simply be System. Again, the arbitrary change does create added parsing difficulties when dealing with different versions of GC logs. Can I request that this string be reverted back to "System" ?

This code has been the same since revision 0:


So, to avoid the kind of log parsing issues that you mention I 
suggestion that we don't change this now.

I think you are referring to the fact that until a change that was made 
1.5 years ago the collectors were not consistent in how they logged the 
GC cause when the GC was started by a call to System.gc(). The 
ParallelGC logged just System while the others logged System.gc(). Now 
that all collectors use the GC cause string they are all consistent, 
which I think should make parsing the logs simpler not more difficult.


> Regards,
> Kirk Pepperdine

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