RFR (XXS): 8027364: PSScavenge accounts too large code section to StringTable unlink [Was: Re: Trivial bug in psScavenge.cpp?]

Thomas Schatzl thomas.schatzl at oracle.com
Mon Oct 28 09:37:46 UTC 2013

Hi all,

  can I have reviews for the following small change: it fixes the scope
of some GCTraceTime timer, i.e. the braces that limited the scope to
string table processing were missing.

The change adds them.



jprt, compilation

I had a look at other GCTraceTime uses in the code, and this seems to be
the only case where the scope seems wrong.

There is another place which could be considered buggy, that is in
psParallelCompact.cpp, line 2114 where the GCTraceTime("class
unloading"...) covers unloading, string table and symbol table
unlinking. Other collectors seperate them out. I will probably create a
separate CR for that if others agree that this is an issue.

@Jeremy: We decided to try to get this fix in asap, possibly before we
need to ask for exceptions to push, so I took over creating the patch.
Jeremy, I hope you don't mind :) I will add the proper contribution.


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