RFR 8037925: CMM Testing: an allocated humongous object at the end of the heap should not prevents shrinking the heap

Andrey Zakharov andrey.x.zakharov at oracle.com
Wed Apr 2 17:02:18 UTC 2014

Hi, Jon
On 02.04.2014 01:21, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
> Seems like an out-of-memory (OOME) can be thrown here (or anywhere below
> this block of code).  Will an OOME be considered a pass, fail or
> test-not-run?
Yes, its really an question for me, from one point of view, we should 
catch OOM and move forward to exit(0),
from another point - such things should be handled by test harness. Test 
should have some @tag about 1G memory its used and harness should skip 
test and notify about this if machine memory is below needed.
Maybe there is another right way.

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