RFR 8037924: CMM Testing: Check Min/MaxHeapFreeRatio flags allows to shrink the heap when using ParallelGC
Erik Helin
erik.helin at oracle.com
Thu Apr 10 12:13:07 UTC 2014
Given that the issue for cleaning up these tests exist, is assigned and
is already being worked on, I think this patch is ok.
On 2014-04-10 14:09, Erik Helin wrote:
> Ok,
> here is a new patch made by Andrey:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ehelin/8037924/webrev.13/
> The new patch is now only for JDK-8037924, this patch does not fix
> JDK-8037925 (a separate patch will be sent out for that).
> This patch makes no changes to the testlibrary, it only introduces the
> new test. Please note that there already an issue filed for cleaning up
> some of the duplication in these tests:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8039489
> Thanks,
> Erik
> On 2014-04-03 16:01, Erik Helin wrote:
>> Andrey, Igor,
>> maybe we should have a chat session on IM where can discuss this?
>> Thanks,
>> Erik
>> On 2014-04-03 15:57, Erik Helin wrote:
>>> Andrey,
>>> is all the changes in this webrev part of the patch? The files in this
>>> change looks very similar to the files in
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037925/webrev.04/ ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Erik
>>> On 2014-04-02 19:46, Jesper Wilhelmsson wrote:
>>>> New webrev is uploaded here:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037924/webrev.12/
>>>> /Jesper
>>>> Andrey Zakharov skrev 2/4/14 19:17:
>>>>> Hi, here is not uploaded yet webrev with totally reverted inheritance.
>>>>> Jesper, can you please upload to your space.
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> On 02.04.2014 20:23, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
>>>>>> Andrey,
>>>>>> Why do test classes extend TestShrinkHeap?
>>>>>> Igor
>>>>>> On 04/02/2014 08:09 PM, Andrey Zakharov wrote:
>>>>>>> Here is version without hidden testflow:
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037924/webrev.11/
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>> On 01.04.2014 16:25, Jesper Wilhelmsson wrote:
>>>>>>>> Uploaded:
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037924/webrev.10/
>>>>>>>> In general would agree regarding avoiding duplicated code, but
>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>> it comes to the control flow I agree with Erik. More hard to read
>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>> leads to harder maintenance than duplicating a few lines of code.
>>>>>>>> /Jesper
>>>>>>>> Andrey Zakharov skrev 1/4/14 11:05:
>>>>>>>>> Hi, Erik. Thanks for comments.
>>>>>>>>> On 01.04.2014 10:49, Erik Helin wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Andrey,
>>>>>>>>>> a couple of comments:
>>>>>>>>>> - We do not use the @author tag in the tests
>>>>>>>>>> (if you've seen other tests have the @author tag, then that is
>>>>>>>>>> a bug)
>>>>>>>>> removed
>>>>>>>>>> - I'm not a big fan of using inheritance for sharing code between
>>>>>>>>>> tests because it makes it very hard to open a test, e.g.
>>>>>>>>>> TestHumongousShrinkHeap.java, and see what it does.
>>>>>>>>> Agreed, I'm too. But doubled code leads to harder maintenance.
>>>>>>>>>> The code you share in TestShrinkHeap is basically the check and
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> control flow of the tests. I would prefer if you could move the
>>>>>>>>>> control flow (System.gc(), sample, eat, sample, free, check
>>>>>>>>>> samples)
>>>>>>>>>> into the tests and then write helper functions for retrieving
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> flag values.
>>>>>>>>>> As for the check, please use the assertions in
>>>>>>>>>> testlibrary/com/oracle/java/testlibrary/Asserts.java instead of
>>>>>>>>>> throwing a RuntimeException.
>>>>>>>>> Good point, changed.
>>>>>>>>> Jesper, can we upload webrev.10 from attachment? Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> I'm still need GC reviewers to approve push.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Erik
>>>>>>>>>> On 2014-03-31 13:46, Jesper Wilhelmsson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> New webrev uploaded.
>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037924/webrev.09/
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not a Reviewer either so if you got Igor's blessing
>>>>>>>>>>> already, my
>>>>>>>>>>> review won't be enough to push unfortunately.
>>>>>>>>>>> /Jesper
>>>>>>>>>>> Andrey Zakharov skrev 31/3/14 12:15:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jepser, here is updated webrev.09
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thomas, Jesper can you review it as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 31.03.2014 13:16, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andrey,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. TEST.groups:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> please update copyright year:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 # Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rights
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reserved.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 # Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rights
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reserved.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. TestShrinkHeap.java
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 22 */
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 23 package com.oracle.java.testlibrary.gc;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> add empty line between 22 and 23 as you do in all other files,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise it looks good to me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Keep in mind I'm not a Reviewer, but I can be mentioned in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Reviewed-by'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> section )
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Igor
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 03/31/2014 10:33 AM, Andrey Zakharov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, team
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> webrev:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037924/webrev.08/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8037924
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8037925
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 30.03.2014 22:06, Jesper Wilhelmsson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Webrev uploaded:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037924/webrev.08/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /Jesper
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, Jesper.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andrey Zakharov skrev 30/3/14 10:03:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi! Here is webrev.08,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jesper, can you upload it? Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Igor, thanks for well detailed review!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 30.03.2014 02:33, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andrey,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. both tests:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 48 public void eat() {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 61 public void free() {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change visibility of concrete methods to protected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. TestHumongousShrinkHeap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 32 */
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 33 import
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com.oracle.java.testlibrary.gc.MemoryUsagePrinter;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add empty line between these lines or remove empty line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #32 in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TestDynShrinkHeap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 62 //do not free last one list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> space after '//'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. both tests:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 26 * @bug 8037924
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 26 * @bug 8037925
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after @bug you should specify product bug ids which can be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tested by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test. I guess 8016479 instead of 8037924, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8036025/8037925.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise it looks good, thank you for your work and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> patience )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Igor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 03/30/2014 02:21 AM, Jesper Wilhelmsson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, New webrev in place:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037924/webrev.07/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /Jesper
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andrey Zakharov skrev 29/3/14 20:57:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, here updated webrev.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jesper, can you, please, upload it to your webspace.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Igor, please, see comment below, everything
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uncommented is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> done.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 29.03.2014 20:08, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why isn't 'TestDynShrinkHeap.gc()'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'TestShrinkHeap.gc()'?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I cut this out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5. if you need assured fullGC, we have WhiteBox API for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> s.h.WhiteBox.fullGC()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure is it applicable for me, because every time in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feature
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ticket
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> descriptions I see "System.gc()", so... let it be.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Igor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 03/29/2014 07:37 PM, Andrey Zakharov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, team!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> webrev:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037924/webrev.06/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8037924
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8037925
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 29.03.2014 16:19, Andrey Zakharov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, Igor, here is just non-uploaded attachment to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> review. It
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upload later.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 29.03.2014 12:10, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TestDynShrinkHeap:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 45 public static byte[] temp;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unused field
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it looks like 'g1/TestHumongousShrinkHeap.java' and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'parallelScavenge/TestDynShrinkHeap.java' should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> super
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> class,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> abstract class TestDyn {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protected static final String
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MIN_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "MinHeapFreeRatio";
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protected static final String
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MAX_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "MaxHeapFreeRatio";
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protected abstract void eat();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protected abstract void free();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public final void test() {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gc();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MemoryUsagePrinter.printMemoryUsage("init");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eat();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MemoryUsagePrinter.printMemoryUsage("eaten");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MemoryUsage muFull =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> free();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MemoryUsage muFree =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if (!(muFree.getCommitted() <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> muFull.getCommitted())) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> throw new RuntimeException(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> String.format("committed free heap size is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> less than
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> committed full heap size, heap hasn't been
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shrunk?%n%s =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %s%n%s =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %s",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MIN_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ManagementFactoryHelper.getDiagnosticMXBean().getVMOption(MIN_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME).getValue(),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MAX_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ManagementFactoryHelper.getDiagnosticMXBean().getVMOption(MAX_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME).getValue()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gc();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MemoryUsagePrinter.printMemoryUsage("done");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public static void gc() {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MemoryUsagePrinter.printMemoryUsage("before full
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GC");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> System.gc();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MemoryUsagePrinter.printMemoryUsage("after full
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GC");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Igor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 03/29/2014 10:59 AM, Andrey Zakharov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, here is updated webrev:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037924/webrev.05/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any comments are welcome.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 28.03.2014 19:28, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 03/28/2014 06:06 PM, Andrey Zakharov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 28.03.2014 17:48, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andrey,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And as I said in 8037925:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You don't need to use enum here and string
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> constant
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Labels.*) in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TestDynShrinkHeap. I've mistakenly think that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MemoryUsagePrinter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uses
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> String argument to change its own behavior.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> useless
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extra
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please remove class 'Labels', it's unnecessary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decrease
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> readability.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 26 * @key gc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why do you need this?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hm, used as common practice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you don't understand meaning of '@key gc',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think that this is used for test execution - to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> execute
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> relates to "gc" for example.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All test related to "gc" are located in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test/gc, so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise it looks good.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Igor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 03/28/2014 05:37 PM, Andrey Zakharov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, here is updated webrev:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037924/webrev.04/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 28.03.2014 02:29, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andrey,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you've placed the wrong link, the correct
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037924/webrev.02/.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And as I said in 8037925:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You don't need to use enum here and string
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> constant
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Labels.*) in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TestDynShrinkHeap. I've mistakenly think that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MemoryUsagePrinter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uses
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> String argument to change its own behavior.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> useless
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extra
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MemoryUsagePrinter:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 44 float freeratio = 1f - (float)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memusage.getUsed() /
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memusage.getCommitted();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd prefer '1.0f', but it's only my fad, it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TestDynShrinkHeap:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 96 StringBuilder strb = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> StringBuilder("committed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> heap size under pressure is not less than
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> committed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> full heap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> size,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> heap hasn't been shrunk?");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 97
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 98 strb.append(MinFreeRatioFlagName + " =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minHeapFreeValue);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 99
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 strb.append(MaxFreeRatioFlagName + " =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maxHeapFreeValue);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 101 throw new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RuntimeException(strb.toString());
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it can be replaced by:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> throw new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RuntimeException(String.format("committed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> heap size
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> under
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pressure is not less than committed full heap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> size, heap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hasn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shrunk?%n%s=%d%n%s=%n",MinFreeRatioFlagName,minHeapFreeValue,MaxFreeRatioFlagName,maxHeapFreeValue));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but it's also not necessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Igor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 03/27/2014 04:42 PM, Andrey Zakharov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is updated webrev with string constants:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037925/webrev.02/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 26.03.2014 20:02, Andrey Zakharov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Test to check that ParallelGC respect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dynamic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MaxFreeRatio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and shrinks heap.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> webrev:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8037924/webrev/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bug:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8037924
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
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