RFR (M): JDK-8065993: Merge OneContigSpaceCardGeneration with TenuredGeneration
Kim Barrett
kim.barrett at oracle.com
Mon Dec 1 17:53:10 UTC 2014
[resending with correct from address, so it will go to list]
On Dec 1, 2014, at 7:42 AM, Bengt Rutisson <bengt.rutisson at oracle.com> wrote:
> Could I have a couple of reviews to this cleanup?
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~brutisso/8065993/webrev.00/
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8065993
2815 // YSR: All of this generation expansion/shrinking stuff is an exact copy of
2816 // TenuredGeneration, which makes me wonder if we should move this
2817 // to CardGeneration and share it...
[Comment was updated to refer to TenuredGeneration.]
Perhaps there should be a bug report for this cleanup? I did a brief
search and didn't find one.
53 // The system configurations currently allowed are:
54 //
55 // DefNewGeneration + TenuredGeneration
56 // DefNewGeneration + ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration
57 //
58 // ParNewGeneration + TenuredGeneration
59 // ParNewGeneration + ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration
This pre-existing comment near a comment that was changed looks a
little stale. Wasn't DefNew + CMS recently removed?
Why ContiguousSpace declaring friend with OneContigSpaceCardGeneration
replaced by Space declaring friend with TenuredGeneration? That
movement is surprising, and seems like it might indicate a bug
Only the last item, about the friendship change, is directly relevant
to the proposed changes, which otherwise look good.
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