RFR (smallish?) 8061611: Remove deprecated command line flags

Derek White derek.white at oracle.com
Fri Dec 12 14:35:22 UTC 2014

This is a request for final re-review.

Updated for comments, and added regression test for arguments. This test 
is a bit overkill for this bug, but it's extensible for other deprecated 
and aliased options.

Re-merged with tree.

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~drwhite/8061611/webrev.01/


  - Derek

On 11/18/14 11:40 AM, Derek White wrote:
> Hi Team,
> First review request. Please let me know if I've forgotten something 
> or have gone completely off the rails.
> The main point of this bug is to remove deprecated -XX options which 
> are alias for other options.
> The only complicated part is that one case, 
> /CMSParPromoteBlocksToClaim/ was not a true alias for /OldPLABSize/ 
> but a parallel option with different defaults that were synchronized 
> in ergo processing. This fix removes the /CMSParPromoteBlocksToClaim 
> /variable but preserves using different defaults in the CMS case.
> Also in this fix I added warning messages to several remaining 
> undocumented command line options aliases. This should ease removal of 
> these options in the future
> CMSMarkStackSize ==> MarkStackSize        (MarkStackSize not documented either, but came in jdk6)
> G1MarkStackSize  ==> MarkStackSize
> CMSMarkStackSizeMax ==> MarkStackSizeMax  (MarkStackSizeMax not documented either)
> ParallelMarkingThreads =>  ConcGCThreads  (ConcGCThreads came in jdk6)
> ParallelCMSThreads     ==> ConcGCThread
> Thanks,
>  - Derek
> *Webrev*: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~drwhite/8061611/webrev.00/
> *Bug*: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8061611
> *Testing*:
> jprt:
>     Saw 1-2 intermittent failures that went away on retesting - hangs 
> and timeouts.
> refworkload:
>     no differences
> jtreg: Saw a few unexplained results. Not sure if typical or not:
>             Execution failed: `main' threw exception:
>             java.lang.Exception: jmap -heap exited with error code: 1
>       * gc/metaspace/CompressedClassSpaceSizeInJmapHeap.java
>         <http://oklahoma.us.oracle.com/net/bussund0416//export/users/drwhite/hs-gc-mine/hotspot/test/JTwork/gc/metaspace/CompressedClassSpaceSizeInJmapHeap.jtr>:
>         Checks that jmap -heap contains the flag CompressedClassSpaceSize
>             Program
>             `/export/users/drwhite/test-builds/j2sdk-image.11.17.2014/bin/java'
>             interrupted! (timed out?)
>       * closed/runtime/AppCDS/SharedArchiveConsistency.java
>         <http://oklahoma.us.oracle.com/net/bussund0416//export/users/drwhite/hs-gc-mine/hotspot/test/JTwork/closed/runtime/AppCDS/SharedArchiveConsistency.jtr>:
>         SharedArchiveConsistency
>     Plus a bunch of tests that are labelled "ignored".

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