RFR(S): 8048179: Early reclaim of large objects that are referenced by a few objects

Thomas Schatzl thomas.schatzl at oracle.com
Mon Dec 22 12:08:18 UTC 2014

Hi Jon,

On Thu, 2014-12-18 at 10:35 -0800, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
> On 12/18/2014 07:43 AM, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
> > [...]
> > I do not like abbreviations in flag names; Bengt and me discussed
> > offline and came up with the following new names for the flags:
> >
> > G1EagerReclaimHumongousObjects
> > G1EagerReclaimHumongousObjectsWithStaleRefs
> > G1TraceEagerReclaimHumongousObjects
> My alternative would be to abbreviate HumongousObjects
> with HObjects
> G1EagerReclaimHObjects
> G1EagerReclaimHObjectsWithStaleRefs
> G1TraceEagerReclaimHObjects
> This suggestion is in anticipation of more flags for special
> handling of humongous objects and anticipation of getting
> tired of the longer flag names.

  sorry for the late answer.

I am against abbreviations in option names as much as possible unless it
is a widely accepted term (like PLAB or LAB). Abbreviations obscure the
function when they are acting as documentation, and it is annoying to me
everytime I am not getting it right. (Like "Pct" in "WasteHeapPct").

So I am in favor of not abbreviating it to "HObject", and keeping the
current suggestions.

It is unfortunate that the term "Humongous Object" has been chosen for
G1 instead of the (imo) much more common "Large Object" that would also
be shorter to write. ;)

Thanks for your input,

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