RFR: 8066122: CollectionUsageThreshold.java times out when run with -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent
Dmitry Fazunenko
dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com
Thu Dec 25 11:53:09 UTC 2014
Hi Michail,
I strongly believe, that the right way to fix this issue is adding
@requires as you proposed originally.
If one specifies external VM options it is expected that all tested VM
will be run with those options.
If a test can't be run with some options, adding @requires will help to
not run.
Trying to alter the external flags within tests is like a hack we had to
do to avoid failures. Before @requires there wasn't another alternative.
But now, we have got a mechanism to express that a test doesn't work
with certain options. Let's use it.
On 24.12.2014 17:42, Michail Chernov wrote:
> Hi,
> Please take a look at this fix.
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~eistepan/~mchernov/8066122/webrev.02/
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8066122
> Thanks,
> Michail
> On 22.12.2014 17:21, Michail Chernov wrote:
>> Hi Kim,
>> About jtreg and options filtering out - I know that Boolean options
>> filtering is not bug, it is feature. For example, in case if we
>> define -XX:+SomeImportanatOptionForThisTest for testing and this
>> options is undefined by VM flags which we define during testing, it
>> causes to wrong test result.
>> I looked through other tests and found that I was wrong - improvement
>> for test failure is more simpler than I thought. Currently I don't
>> make any change in testlibrary.
>> Suggestid fix is to add -XX:-ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentto all
>> RunUtil.runTestClearGcOpts and RunUtil.runTestKeepGcOpts invocation.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~eistepan/~mchernov/8066122/webrev.02/
>> Thanks,
>> Michail
>> On 17.12.2014 20:33, Kim Barrett wrote:
>>> [This is still not a real review, just kibitzing so far - I’ve
>>> looked at the changes, but don’t yet feel I understand the
>>> surrounding code well enough to say I’ve reviewed them.]
>>> On Dec 17, 2014, at 11:01 AM, Michail Chernov
>>> <michail.chernov at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> Test was fixed, now it excludes -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent
>>>> option from test run.
>>>> Also fixed LowMemoryTest.java - it failed with same reason as
>>>> CollectionUsageThreshold.java.
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~eistepan/~mchernov/8066122/webrev.01/
>>>> Function getFilteredTestJavaOpts in Util.java was got from hotspot
>>>> repo http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/hs-gc/hotspot/ from
>>>> testlibrary, because Util.java in GC and Util.java in Runtime repos
>>>> are different. This function can be useful not only for this case.
>>>> Simply adding of -XX:-ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent won't work
>>>> because JTREG filtersout it in case if
>>>> -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent is defined as VM option.
>>> That bit about jtreg filtering out -XX:-ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent
>>> seems backward, at least for a case like this. I wouldn’t have
>>> expected global options applicable to all tests to override
>>> test-specific arguments. Also, it would seem that would make the
>>> other tests my earlier comment was referring to not work either. So
>>> I’m confused about why there’s all this extra filtering going on in
>>> this change and why it would be needed. Unless there are important
>>> differences in some of the underlying infrastructure, like the
>>> different testlibrary variants (jdk/test/lib/testlibrary vs
>>> hotspot’s testlibrary?). Sorry I’m not being clearer about this -
>>> I’m suspicious there is a deeper problem, but don’t know enough to
>>> point to its whereabouts. (And that’s assuming my suspicions are
>>> correct, and I’m not just confused.)
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