RFR: 8065749: [TESTBUG]: gc/arguments/TestG1HeapRegionSize.java fails at nightly
Evgeniya Stepanova
evgeniya.stepanova at oracle.com
Tue Nov 25 11:11:59 UTC 2014
Hi Bengt,
Ok, file is reverted.
But please note that test will run only if UseG1GC set. It will be
skipped otherwise (with no GC option set for example).
Evgeniya Stepanova
On 25.11.2014 13:12, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
> Hi Dima,
> On 2014-11-24 15:03, Dmitry Fazunenko wrote:
>> Hi Bengt,
>> On 24.11.2014 18:33, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>>> Hi Evgeniya,
>>> On 2014-11-24 14:13, Evgeniya Stepanova wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Could you please review changes for 8065749 ?
>>>> Test TestG1HeapRegionSize.java is G1-specific and could not work
>>>> without -XX:+UseG1GC passed directly.
>>>> Option added to the run.
>>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8065749
>>>> fix: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~eistepan/8065749/webrev.00/
>>> I think your suggested fix will work, but I have a question
>>> regarding the original change.
>>> Before the original change the test explicitly checked that it was
>>> run with G1 and just skipped otherwise:
>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/hs-gc/hotspot/comparison/6464714dd742/test/gc/arguments/TestG1HeapRegionSize.java
>>> Was this test really failing at all? I thought we were only going to
>>> add @requires to tests that were failing due to conflicting GC
>>> combinations. If it was working before I think a different approach
>>> to fix the current problem would be to revert back to the old code
>>> without @requires.
>> You are right, it was our mistake. This test wasn't reverted when we
>> decided to update only failing tests.
>> Yes, a possible solution would be just to roll back the previous
>> change, but I don't think it makes sense just to roll back.
>> What I suggest:
>> 1) keep this test G1 specific (@requires g1 and +UseG1 explicitly) -
>> what is proposed by this change
>> 2) make tests GC independent - remove @requires and check in tests
>> that RegionSize == <expected> in case of G1, and RegionSize == 0 in
>> case of another GC.
>> I don't think that original variant (silently pass if not g1) is the
>> right solution.
> I don't think 2) makes sense. G1HeapRegionSize is not set to 0 for
> other collectors and there is really no reason to do that either. So,
> testing the value of that with other GCs is just a waste of time.
> Considering that, I don't really see why 1) is better than reverting
> to the original code. After all, we are not sure how we want @requires
> to work and in my mind it is better to use it as little as possible
> until we have figured out how it should work.
> Thanks,
> Bengt
>> What do you think?
>> -- Dima
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bengt
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Evgeniya Stepanova
>>>> --
>>>> /Evgeniya Stepanova/
/Evgeniya Stepanova/
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