Automatic Closure Specialization
Stefan Karlsson
stefan.karlsson at
Wed Oct 8 12:30:21 UTC 2014
Hi Erik,
On 2014-10-08 13:20, Erik Österlund wrote:
> Greetings,
> So here in this email is attached a patch-file containing my changes
> since I don't have access to the cr-server.
> If anyone could help me make a RFR with a bug-ID with this changeset,
> that would be great.
I ran this through JPRT and got this failure on Solaris x86:
"hotspot/src/share/vm/memory/specialized_oop_closures.hpp", line 222: Warning: Identifier expected instead of "}".
1 Warning(s) detected.
gmake[8]: *** [abstractCompiler.o] Error 2
gmake[7]: *** [the_vm] Error 2
gmake[6]: *** [fastdebug] Error 2
gmake[5]: *** [generic_build2] Error 2
gmake[4]: *** [fastdebug] Error 2
> == Implementation Summary ==
> === Dispatching To Closures ===
> All dispatching to OopClosure go through an all static class
> OopClosureDispatcher. It uses SFINAE to find the most appropriate
> member function to call by checking certain conditions of the
> OopClosureType. For any template parameterized OopClosureType calls to
> member function X in {do_oop, do_metadata, do_klass,
> do_class_loader_data} it will attempt the following in this order: 1)
> Check if the OopClosureType is manually unspecialized for whatever
> reason (currently only used by the abstract classes OopClosure and
> ExtendedOopClosure), in that case use virtual call. 2) Check if
> OopClosureType (and not a parent) declares X_nv, then use a
> non-virtual call to it. Otherwise 3) check if OopClosureType (and not
> a parent) declares X, then use a non-virtual call to X (hence removing
> need to define both X and X_nv any more, but still being backward
> compatible). Otherwise 3) use a normal virtual call to X.
> The reason why checking that candidates for non-virtual calls are
> declared in the concrete OopClosureType and not a parent is to be safe
> rather than sorry in detecting "abstract" base classes that are never
> used by themselves. However their derived types are used, but the type
> passed in to oop_iterate is not the derived closure type but the
> abstract one. So in summary we make sure we make non-virtual calls to
> the derived closure types and not the base types.
> === Dispatching To Klass ===
> Two mechanisms are used for retaining the OopClosureType when
> dispatching to it using a specific Klass.
> Attempt one hopes there is a separation of concern between finding
> oops and dispatching to OopClosureType. A virtual call is made to the
> Klass to either a) return back the oop maps or b) identify which Klass
> it is with a "DispatchTag".
> If oop maps are returned (InstanceKlass, OopArrayKlass,
> TypeArrayKlass) then they are iterated over from oop_iterate where all
> the type info about the closure is still known. If this is not
> supported (InstanceRefKlass, InstanceMirrorKlass,
> InstanceClassLoaderKlass), then the dispatch tag is used to call an
> inline template method defined in brand new Instance*Klass.inline.hpp
> files.
> The new methods in Instance*Klass.inline.hpp are (non-virtual)
> template variants of what the old oop_oop_iterate macros did. They use
> SFINAE to check if the OopClosureType expects metadata related calls
> too (if it's an ExtendedOopClosure) otherwise does nothing. Note that
> oop_iterate now takes an arbitrary type instead of ExtendedOopClosure,
> but it uses SFINAE to force template instantiations only if it's a
> subtype of ExtendedOopClosure and otherwise generate compiler errors
> and similarly on oop_iterate_no_header, specialization is used and it
> explicitly checks the template parameter is of type OopClosure. If
> it's an ExtendedOopClosure, it sends the first ever composite closure
> type NoHeaderOopClosure<OopClosureType> to the dispatch system so that
> metadata-related calls are never called in the first place. :)
> Thanks,
> /Erik
> On 01 Oct 2014, at 17:02, Erik Österlund <erik.osterlund at
> <mailto:erik.osterlund at>> wrote:
>> On 01 Oct 2014, at 16:11, Stefan Karlsson <stefan.karlsson at
>> <mailto:stefan.karlsson at>> wrote:
>>> On 2014-10-01 15:41, Erik Österlund wrote:
>>>> Hey,
>>>> I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of the current system for
>>>> explicitly specializing closures (removing virtual calls).
>>>> Here's a couple of problems I see with the current solution:
>>>> 1. The specialization macros are obviously not pretty
>>>> 2. It's awkward to have to remember to explicitly list the closure
>>>> as specialized in the macros
>>>> 3. There are plenty of composite closure types out there. What I
>>>> mean by this is when closures are combined, e.g. one closure is
>>>> used to filter a memory range, and if passing the filter, it will
>>>> invoke the actual closure, currently resulting in a virtual call
>>>> even though the composite structure is completely known at the call
>>>> site.
>>>> 4. Each closure has to have like do_oop, do_oop_v, do_oop_nv, for
>>>> both oop types and then a do_oop_work for joining them. Yuck!
>>>> Asserts try to check that the _v and _nv methods do the same thing
>>>> to combat programmer mistakes.
>>>> With my alternative template magic solution:
>>>> 1. You won't have to explicitly specialize wanted closure types -
>>>> they are automatically specialized unless the contrary is
>>>> explicitly stated.
>>>> 2. Parameterized composite closure types can be used without
>>>> unnecessary virtual call overheads.
>>>> 3. Only a single do_oop (do_metadata etc) member function is
>>>> needed, and hence no need to put asserts trying to keep _v and _nv
>>>> synchronized.
>>>> 4. It is backward compatible and does not require major
>>>> refactoring; could transition into this system step by step. The
>>>> two systems can even co-exist.
>>>> 5. It supports an interface where OopClosure is the interface to
>>>> oop_iterate, rather than ExtendedOopClosure. It uses SFINAE to send
>>>> metadata info to the closure only if the derived type is an
>>>> ExtendedOopClosure, otherwise it simply sends the oops (do_oop)
>>>> only. (of course I can remove this if it's unwanted and we
>>>> intentionally don't want to support oop_iterate(OopClosure*) )
>>>> For the interested reader, this is how the old system worked:
>>>> The ugly macros generate overloads of oop_iterate on oopDesc which
>>>> uses a virtual call to the Klass (also using macro generated
>>>> overloads) to figure out where the oops are and then call the
>>>> closure. This step with the virtual call to the Klass to call the
>>>> closure removes any potential for template magic because template
>>>> member functions can't be virtual in C++.
>>>> And this is how my system solves this:
>>>> A template oop_iterate (with closure type as parameter) member
>>>> function uses a virtual call to the Klass, but only to acquire
>>>> information where oops can be found (and NOT to call the actual
>>>> closure too). It then uses static template polymorphism (CRTP
>>>> idiom) to invoke the do_oop method of the corresponding derived
>>>> closure types (without virtual calls). This required support from
>>>> the Klass implementations. I currently support object arrays and
>>>> normal instances. If the Klass implementation does not support this
>>>> new scheme, it simply reverts to a normal virtual call like before.
>>>> As a bonus I made a new include file in
>>>> utilities/templateIdioms.hpp with some template magic I needed and
>>>> which I was missing but could likely be used in more places in the
>>>> future.
>>>> Would this change be interesting for the GC group? In that case I
>>>> could prepare a patch (and perhaps add support to the other Klass
>>>> implementations). :)
>>>> I would also need some help to check if this works on your wide
>>>> range of platforms and compilers etc (only checked the assembly
>>>> output for my own setup).
>>> Yes, please provide a patch!
>>> I've had a patch to start solving some of these problems for a long
>>> time:
>>> <>
>>> one problem that I haven't solved in my patch is how to pass down
>>> the OopClosureType past the Klass::oop_iterate virtual calls. See
>>> oop.inline.hpp:
>>> template <bool nv, typename OopClosureType>
>>> inline int oopDesc::oop_iterate(OopClosureType* blk) {
>>> CONCRETE_KLASS_DO_AND_RETURN(klass(), oop_oop_iterate<nv>(this,blk));
>>> }
>>> and klass.inline.hpp for the dispatch code:
>>> +#define CONCRETE_KLASS_DO_AND_RETURN(the_klass, todo) \
>>> + do { \
>>> + switch ((the_klass)->dispatch_tag()) { \
>>> + case Klass::_instance: return
>>> InstanceKlass::cast(the_klass)->todo; \
>>> + case Klass::_instance_ref: return
>>> InstanceRefKlass::cast(the_klass)->todo; \
>>> + case Klass::_instance_mirror: return
>>> InstanceMirrorKlass::cast(the_klass)->todo; \
>>> + case Klass::_instance_class_loader: return
>>> InstanceClassLoaderKlass::cast(the_klass)->todo; \
>>> + case Klass::_obj_array: return
>>> ObjArrayKlass::cast(the_klass)->todo; \
>>> + case Klass::_type_array: return
>>> TypeArrayKlass::cast(the_klass)->todo; \
>>> + default: fatal("Incorrect dispatch index"); return 0; \
>>> + } \
>>> + } while (false)
>>> +
>> Yeah, I was faced with the same problem. It's impossible in C++ to
>> pass template arguments to virtual member functions. (Note however
>> that it's possible to have template parameterized /types/ with
>> virtual member functions, so with your choice of using enums with a
>> dispatch tag I think it should be possible to have a
>> KlassDispatchProxy<ClosureType> cl; cl.get_and_dispatch(obj); where
>> KlassDispatchProxy type (rather than Klass type) is picked using the
>> enum and get_and_dispatch is a virtual method for the parameterized
>> type).
>> However, my choice was to instead recognize finding oop maps and
>> dispatching to the closure as two fundamentally separate concerns. So
>> instead I implemented a new virtual Klass member function to only get
>> the oop maps (if supported) of an oop (for InstanceKlass simply
>> return the array of oop map blocks, for ObjArrayKlass simply return
>> an oop map dummy with the interval of oops for the array). This way,
>> I can get the oop maps with a virtual call without having to know the
>> ClosureType needed for dispatching, and then when I have the oop
>> maps, simply dispatc (partially using SFINAE to dispatch the stuff
>> the closure expects to receive; depending on if it's an
>> ExtendedOopClosure or not).
>> I'm glad this is something useful. Currently I only enable this for
>> InstanceKlass and ObjArrayKlass, otherwise it reverts to standard
>> virtual calls. Will prepare a patch with a few more Klass
>> implementations to make it a bit more complete. :)
>> /Erik
>>> thanks,
>>> StefanK
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> /Erik
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