RFR: 6979279: remove special-case code for ParallelGCThreads==0

Jesper Wilhelmsson jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com
Wed Oct 8 13:44:30 UTC 2014


Looks good in general. Two comments:

* In compactibleFreeListSpace.cpp the code:

  630           MutexLockerEx x(parDictionaryAllocLock(),
  631                           Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);

was previously executed for all values of ParallelGCThreads > 0, now it is not 
executed when ParallelGCThreads = 1. Seems legit, just want to make sure this is 
intentional. Are there any side effects to creating this lock that is expected 
to happen for PGCT = 1?

* In g1HotCardCache you remove the variable _hot_cache_par_chunk_size and read 
directly from the flag in G1HotCardCache::drain() . I would prefer to keep the 
variable and only read from the flag during initialization. I think it would be 
nice if we were moving towards not reading directly from command line flags 
during GC. There have been a few cases lately where we have been in need of 
changing settings for the GC at runtime (when making flags manageable for 
instance) and I think we will see more of this in the future if we want to see a 
GC that can behave differently in different situations. It is a lot easier to do 
this if the flags can be changed at any time without needing to worry about them 
being read during GC.


Marcus Larsson skrev 8/10/14 09:56:
> Hi,
> Can I please have reviews for the following patch removing the special-case 
> code used when ParallelGCThreads is 0. A recent change [1] forbidding this 
> flag to be set to 0 turns this special handling into dead code, which should 
> be removed.
> Functions with two interfaces for single threaded or parallel execution used 
> exclusively in these cases have been merged to a single parallel version (for 
> example G1RemSet's scrub and scrub_par).
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mlarsson/6979279/webrev.00/
> Bug:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6979279
> Testing:
> - jprt
> - Aurora
>   - Weblogic
>   - runThese
>   - Kitchensink
>   - jtreg
>   - VM GC nightly
> Thanks,
> Marcus
> [1]: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8059527

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