Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Thu Sep 25 21:48:11 UTC 2014

On Sep 25, 2014, at 6:28 AM, Marcus Larsson <marcus.larsson at oracle.com> wrote:
> I appreciate your feedback on this. Some comments are inline.

And any responses similarly.  I’ll comment on the new webrev separately.

> On 09/19/2014 08:52 PM, Kim Barrett wrote:
> This was also my first thought, but after digging deeper I found that there's really only a single protocol.
> (Either that, or you could say there are three protocols, one for each template function.)
> Each subclass of CompactibleSpace seems to make use of all of the template functions,
> sometimes via CompactibleSpace::adjust_pointers/compact, and hence require all of the above functions
> (both protocols), although they sometimes also override these functions when necessary.

Yes.  I was a bit confused previously.  Fortunately, it seems like the direction
of the changes I suggested was still reasonably valid.

> Changed the template functions to be static instead, like they probably should have been from the beginning.
> The previous solution had some functions called via the implicit "this", while others were called using the proxy.

I suspected as much.

> To allow non-virtual calls of block_size for HeapRegions I moved the prepare_for_compaction from G1OffsetTableContigSpace
> to the HeapRegion class, and implemented the required functions in this class instead.

Hm, this might be worrying, or might not.  I’ll need to look at the webrev to understand this.

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