RFR (S): JDK-8027428: Different conditions for printing taskqueue statistics for parallel gc, parNew and G1

Sangheon Kim sangheon.kim at oracle.com
Tue Sep 30 17:41:47 UTC 2014

Hi Bengt,

Thank you for looking at this change.

On 09/30/2014 01:36 AM, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
> Hi Sangheon,
> On 2014-09-30 01:30, Sangheon Kim wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> can I have reviews for the following small change to print taskqueue 
>> statistics
>> for parallel gc, parNew and G1?
>> Main changes are:
>> 1) printing by 'ParallelGCVerbose' flag, not 'PrintGCDetails && 
>> ParallelGCVerbose'.
>> 2) printing logs via 'gclog_or_tty', not 'tty'.
>> 3) adding 'totals' row to sums up.
>> CR:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8027428
>> Webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8027428/
> Thanks for fixing this. Could you provide some examples of what the 
> output looks like for the different GCs now? It would make it easier 
> to review this if I had examples of the output for ParNew, ParallelGC 
> and G1.
Here's examples of logs. (-XX:+ParallelGCVerbose -XX:+PrintGCDetails)
As you can see, ParNew and G1 has 'tot' while Parallel doesn't.

1. ParallelGC: before applying this patch, BOLD 'tot' raw is absent.
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66] #1: [GC (Allocation Failure) == GC Tasks Stats, 
GC   2
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66] thr      qpush       qpop     qpop-s 
qattempt     qsteal      opush       omax
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66] --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
---------- ---------- ----------
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66]   0      24213      23961       1101 848        
847          0          0
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66]   1      22197      20795 85         47         
46          0          0
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66]   2      22499      22147        932 703        
702          0          0
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66]   3      20790      20492        956 710        
709          0          0
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66]   4          0          0 0          0          
0          0          0
_*[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66] tot      89699      87395 3074       
2308       2304          0          0*_
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66]     --------masked-------     arrays array
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66] thr       push      steal    chunked chunks
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66] --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66]   0        282        185          5 282
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66]   1        147         23         13 148
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66]   2        187        178          0 187
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66]   3        243        184          2 242
[2014-09-30T17:15:29.66]   4          0          0 0          0

2. ParNewGC
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08] #0: [GC (Allocation Failure) #0: [ParNewGC 
Termination Stats
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08]      elapsed  --strong roots-- 
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08] thr     ms        ms       %       ms %   attempts
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08] --- --------- --------- ------ --------- ------ 
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08]   0      6.12      3.76  61.44      0.15 
2.45        2
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08]   1      6.15      5.52  89.83      0.00 
0.00        1
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08]   2      6.15      0.57   9.23      0.16 
2.63        1
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08]   3      6.15      0.31   5.11      0.15 
2.43        1
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08] GC Task Stats
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08] thr      qpush       qpop     qpop-s 
qattempt     qsteal      opush       omax
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08] --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
---------- ---------- ----------
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08]   0      26371      26041        462 130        
128          0          0
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08]   1       9186       9138 0          1          
0          0          0
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08]   2      12761      12591        834 287        
286          0          0
[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08]   3      17908      17755        930 288        
287          0          0
_[2014-09-30T17:26:47.08] tot      66226      65525 2226        
706        701          0          0_

3. G1GC
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.87] #0: [GC pause (G1 Evacuation Pause) (young)GC 
Termination Stats
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.87]      elapsed  --strong roots-- 
-------termination------- ------waste (KiB)------
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.87] thr     ms        ms      %        ms %    
attempts  total   alloc    undo
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.87] --- --------- --------- ------ --------- ------ 
-------- ------- ------- -------
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]   2      3.63      0.01   0.20      0.00 
0.09       13       0       0       0
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]   3      3.65      0.01   0.18      0.00 
0.08       13       0       0       0
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]   1      3.71      0.02   0.46      0.00 
0.06        5       0       0       0
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]   0      6.83      2.32  34.01      0.00 
0.00        1       0       0       0
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88] , 0.0077719 secs]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]    [Parallel Time: 6.9 ms, GC Workers: 4]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [GC Worker Start (ms): Min: 244.3, Avg: 
246.7, Max: 247.5, Diff: 3.1]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [Ext Root Scanning (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 
0.4, Max: 1.7, Diff: 1.7, Sum: 1.8]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [Update RS (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 
0.0, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.0]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]          [Processed Buffers: Min: 0, Avg: 0.0, 
Max: 0, Diff: 0, Sum: 0]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [Scan RS (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 
0.0, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.0]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [Code Root Scanning (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 
0.0, Max: 0.2, Diff: 0.2, Sum: 0.2]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [Object Copy (ms): Min: 3.6, Avg: 3.9, 
Max: 4.8, Diff: 1.2, Sum: 15.7]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [Termination (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, 
Max: 0.0, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.0]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [GC Worker Other (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 
0.1, Max: 0.1, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.3]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [GC Worker Total (ms): Min: 3.7, Avg: 
4.5, Max: 6.8, Diff: 3.2, Sum: 17.9]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [GC Worker End (ms): Min: 251.1, Avg: 
251.1, Max: 251.2, Diff: 0.0]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]    [Code Root Fixup: 0.1 ms]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]    [Code Root Purge: 0.0 ms]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]    [Clear CT: 0.1 ms]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]    [Other: 0.8 ms]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [Choose CSet: 0.0 ms]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [Ref Proc: 0.6 ms]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [Ref Enq: 0.1 ms]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [Redirty Cards: 0.0 ms]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [Humongous Reclaim: 0.0 ms]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]       [Free CSet: 0.0 ms]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]    [Eden: 14.0M(14.0M)->0.0B(18.0M) Survivors: 
0.0B->2048.0K Heap: 14.0M(64.0M)->2400.0K(64.0M)]
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88] GC Task Stats
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88] thr      qpush       qpop     qpop-s 
qattempt     qsteal      opush       omax
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88] --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
---------- ---------- ----------
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]   0      53278      34205 10          
2          0          0          0
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]   1       8978       8672       4194 6843       
6837          0          0
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]   2       9325       9067       4222 6748       
6734          0          0
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]   3       8461       8212       3795 6329       
6315          0          0
_[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88] tot      80042      60156 12221      
19922      19886          0          0_
[2014-09-30T17:31:53.88]  [Times: user=0.02 sys=0.00 real=0.01 secs]

> I'm also wondering if we can have an even more descriptive declaration 
> of ParallelGCVerbose in globals.hpp. With your change it says:
> 1532   product(bool, ParallelGCVerbose, 
> false,                                   \
> 1533           "Print verbose collection statistics output for 
> parallel"         \
> 1534 "collectors") \
> But there is a lot of logging that has to do with parallel work (at 
> least in G1) that is not controlled by this flag. It seems to me that 
> the flag actually only controls the task queue statistics. Ideally we 
> could change the name of the flag, but that will be too much overhead 
> I guess. But we can maybe updated the description to indicate more 
> what it actually controls.
After applying this patch, I see this flag in 4 routines (3 files).
And as all of them are stats for 'taskqueue' and 'termination', I 
changed the description as a statistics related flag.
But if it's not enough, may I ask your opinion?

1. g1CollectedHeap.cpp
   a) TASKQUEUE_STATS_ONLY(if (ParallelGCVerbose) print_taskqueue_stats());
   b) if (ParallelGCVerbose) {
          MutexLocker x(stats_lock());
   c) if (ParallelGCVerbose) 
2. parNewGeneration.cpp
   a) if (ParallelGCVerbose) {
3. psPromotionManager.cpp
   a) TASKQUEUE_STATS_ONLY(if (ParallelGCVerbose) print_taskqueue_stats());


> Thanks,
> Bengt
>> Testing: jprt
>> Thanks,
>> Sangheon

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