RFR: 8081317: [NEWTEST] documented GC ratio tuning and new size options should be covered by regression tests

Michail Chernov michail.chernov at oracle.com
Tue Aug 4 14:35:01 UTC 2015


Could someone please take a look at this review?


On 31.07.2015 20:30, Michail Chernov wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review these changes for JDK-8081317. There are new tests to 
> cover GC ratio tuning and new size options.
> Webrev:  http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mchernov/8081317/
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8081317
> TestMaxMinHeapFreeRatioFlags.java - Verify that heap size changes 
> according to max and min heap free ratios.
> TestMinAndInitialSurvivorRatioFlags.java - Test verifies that VM can 
> start with any GC when MinSurvivorRatio and InitialSurvivorRatio flags 
> passed and for Parallel GC it verifies that after start up survivor 
> ratio is equal to InitialSurvivorRatio value and that actual survivor 
> ratio will never be less than MinSurvivorRatio.
> TestNewRatioFlag.java - Verify that heap divided among generations 
> according to NewRatio.
> TestNewSizeFlags.java - Verify that young gen size conforms values 
> specified by NewSize, MaxNewSize and Xmn options.
> TestSurvivorRatioFlag - Verify that actual survivor ratio is equal to 
> specified SurvivorRatio value.
> TestTargetSurvivorRatioFlag.java - Test if objects size is less than 
> (survivor_size * TargetSurvivorRatio / 100) then objects are stayed in 
> survivor space until MaxTenuringThreshold minor GC cycles. If more 
> than (survivor_size * TargetSurvivorRatio / 100) objects were 
> allocated, then test verifies that after MaxTenuringThreshold minor GC 
> cycles survivor space is almost empty.
> New changes were tested on different platforms including embedded jdk 
> on Linux x86.
> Thanks,
> Michail

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