RFR (S): 8131734: Add free_archive_regions support to G1 for -Xshared:auto
Tom Benson
tom.benson at oracle.com
Thu Aug 6 14:12:01 UTC 2015
Hi Thomas,
On 8/6/2015 3:48 AM, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
> Looking again at the code starting from line 1144 with the comment,
> there may still be an issue here: consider a VM A having 8M regions 1,
> 2, and 3, each spanning 8M (see figure below; each letter represents 1M
> of space), and a mapping from a VM B with 2M region size with the
> following layout that is loaded into VM A and failed.
> 1 2 3 region#
> AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA VM A regions (8M region size)
> BB BB BBBBBBBB BBBB VM B mapping (2M region size)
> E.g. the mapping is from 2-3M, and another mapping from 6-20M. E.g. the
> ranges array contains
> (2, 3), (6, 20)
> now, after freeing region 1 from the first mapping (2, 3), start_region
> of the second mapping (=1) equals prev_last_region (=1); now the cursor
> is advanced to the region of the end of the second mapping (=3),
> forgetting to free region 2.
> What am I missing here?
The cursor would not be advanced to to the end of the second mapping,
but rather to the end of region A 1. So the current range being freed
would be reduced from (6,20) to (8,20). Line 1148:
if (start_region == prev_last_region) {
start_address = start_region->end(); // Resets start address
to end of A1, in your example
> Thanks for adding the initialization checks.
> Thanks,
> Thomas
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