RFR(s): 8145000: TestOptionsWithRanges.java failure for XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseNUMAInterleaving -XX:NUMAInterleaveGranularity=65536

Jesper Wilhelmsson jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com
Wed Dec 16 14:46:28 UTC 2015

Hi Sangheon,

* It seems to me that protect_pages_individually() can only be called if 
UseLargePages is false. Still it looks at UseLargePages to decide page_size. I 
would prefer if there was an assert(!UseLargePages) at the start of 
protect_pages_individually() to emphasize that this code has not been used or 
tested with large pages.

* I'm not sure if this matters, but it seems to me that if the size of the area 
is not an even multiple of pages, you will start protecting the smaller part, 
and then continue with page sized areas. E.g. If page size is 4k and we want to 
protect a 10k area, we will start with a 2k block and then take two 4k blocks. 
This has the effect that if we pass in a page aligned address, the areas we 
protect will not cover one page at a time. This may be a non-issue though. It 
depends on if we usually get page aligned addresses and if it matters if we 
protect one page at a time or not.

* You use UINT32_FORMAT to print an uint. %u is the recommended way to print an 

* if (!ret) return false;  We should always use { }


Den 16/12/15 kl. 01:53, skrev sangheon:
> Hi all,
> Could I get a couple of reviews for Windows NUMAInterleaveGranularity change?
> Current Windows implementation can't handle correctly when we reserve a heap
> with disjoint heap base mode with NUMAInterleaveGranularity.
> Windows, os::protect_memory fails in above case, as we are trying to protect the
> whole reserved heap at one time. But we reserved that area with
> separate/contiguous chunks based on NUMAInterleaveGranularity size. MSDN
> describes to call the API separately.
> I changed protect API to be called multiple times if needed.
> Skipped adding a test as TestOptionsWithRanges.java is enough.
> 'java -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseNUMAInterleaving' is enough to reproduce on large
> memory Windows machine. However we need to specify heap size if the machine
> doesn't have large memory. e.g. -Xms30g -Xmx30g
> This patch is based on the patch for JDK-8144949 which includes the change of
> the max range of NUMAInterleaveGranularity to 2G(32bit), 8192G(64bit).
> CR: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8145000
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sangheki/8145000/webrev.00
> Testing: JPRT (with TestOptionsWithRanges.java enabled), manual tests on Windows
> machine(to test on large memory).
> Thanks,
> Sangheon

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