RFR: JDK-8072725: Provide more granular levels for GC verification

Poonam Bajaj Parhar poonam.bajaj at oracle.com
Thu Dec 17 18:32:00 UTC 2015

Friendly reminder, please take a look at these changes and let me know 
your feedback.


On 12/15/2015 3:15 PM, Poonam Bajaj Parhar wrote:
> Hello,
> Please review these changes that split up the work done under 
> Verify*GC options. This will be very useful in debugging GC 
> issues/crashes where verifying the whole memory system with Verify*GC 
> options slows down the process and makes it impossible to reproduce 
> the problem.
> The changes introduce a new option /VerifySubSet///that can be used to 
> specify the specific memory sub-systems that one wants to verify. It 
> can be one or more of the sub-systems from these: threads, heap, 
> symbol_table, string_table, codecache, dictionary, 
> classloader_data_graph, metaspace, jni_handles, c-heap and 
> codecache_oops. If nothing is specified with /VerifySubSet/ then whole 
> of the memory system is verified with Verify*GC options.
> Bug:JDK-8072725: <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8072725> 
> Provide more granular levels for GC verification
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~poonam/8072725/webrev.00/
> Testing: JPRT, tested the changes with a simple test program.
> Thanks,
> Poonam

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