RFR(s): 8144527: NewSizeThreadIncrease would make an overflow

Jesper Wilhelmsson jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com
Mon Dec 21 14:35:52 UTC 2015

Hi Sangheon,

Did you consider a simpler approach with only nested ifs instead of the do-while 
with breaks? At least to me, that would be easier to read.

Besides that it looks good.

Den 21/12/15 kl. 07:52, skrev sangheon:
> Hi all,
> Can I have reviews for this change to prevent an overflow for
> NewSizeThreadIncrease?
> This option is used with non-daemon threads count when calculate new size. And
> as we can't know the thread count at start-up time, this overflow can't be
> checked by argument validation framework. Instead I changed related routines to
> prevent the overflow and when it happens desired new size will be previous size.
> This will affect only for Serial GC.
> I added simple test to have 5 threads and then check the log whether we had heap
> expansion or not.
> CR: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8144527
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sangheki/8144527/webrev.00
> Testing: JPRT
> Thanks,
> Sangheon

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