RMI and GC.Interval

Kirk Pepperdine kirk at kodewerk.com
Wed Jan 28 08:12:32 UTC 2015


I was looking at G1 code and found this.

jlong G1CollectedHeap::millis_since_last_gc() {
  // assert(false, "NYI");
  return 0;

As long as this method returns 0, this code in sun.misc.GC always fails as maxObjectInspectionAge() is a native call that tunnels back to millis_since_last_gc().

        public void run() {
            for (;;) {
                long l;
                synchronized (lock) {

                    l = latencyTarget;
                    if (l == NO_TARGET) {
                        /* No latency target, so exit */
                        GC.daemon = null;

                    long d = maxObjectInspectionAge();
                    if (d >= l) {
                        /* Do a full collection.  There is a remote possibility
                         * that a full collection will occurr between the time
                         * we sample the inspection age and the time the GC
                         * actually starts, but this is sufficiently unlikely
                         * that it doesn't seem worth the more expensive JVM
                         * interface that would be required.
                        d = 0;

                    /* Wait for the latency period to expire,
                     * or for notification that the period has changed
                    try {
                        lock.wait(l - d);
                    } catch (InterruptedException x) {

My guess is; this is intentional?

Kind regards,
Kirk Pepperdine

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