RFR: JDK-8077842 - Remove the level parameter passed around in GenCollectedHeap

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Fri Jun 12 23:34:00 UTC 2015

On Jun 12, 2015, at 4:36 AM, Mikael Gerdin <mikael.gerdin at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Oh.. I thought about your comments and found myself moving the enum to
>> GenCollectedHeap. This is the class that knows about the young and old
>> generations.
> Oh, ok :)
>> In some kind of object oriented way, I don't think that a generation
>> should (have to) know it's type, or even that there are different types
>> of generations.
> I'm not sure I entirely agree with that statement, it seems to me that this is similar to the "old" way of having a bunch of generations floating around with only a "level" and no idea about how everything ties together. This was nice in theory but in fact all the generations are only ever able to function as an oldest or youngest generation and everything would break down if that was changed. I think it's just dishonest to not admit that a ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration is an "old" generation and that a DefNewGeneration is a "young" generation.
> Nevertheless I think your change is a step in the right direction and I won't argue for changing this.

I find myself continuing to waffle about this.  But I agree it’s ok in its current form, at least for now.  If we eventually decide this specific little bit does need to be changed, we can deal with it then.

>> The new version is here:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8077842/webrev.06/
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8077842/webrev.06.incremental/
> In genCollectedHeap.[ch]pp when you refer to the members of the GenerationType enum you don't need to scope them with GenCollectedHeap::

But being explicit about the scope can make it easier to grep for them.

Looks good.

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