RFR(S): 8141356: Explicitly stop CMS threads during VM termination.

Jungwoo Ha jwha at google.com
Tue Nov 3 21:14:26 UTC 2015

BUG: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8141356
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwha/8141356/webrev.00/

Inside before_exit(), it says

  // Stop concurrent GC threads

but GenCollectedHeap never implemented stop() method, and thus calling
empty SharedHeap::stop() method.
This causes CMS threads to run during the VM termination and ends up
ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::stop() is currently a dead code and never gets
The patch just implemented GenCollectedHeap::stop() to call

Can someone sponsor this patch?

Jungwoo Ha | Google | jwha at google.com
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