Request for code review - JDK-8141123 Change int's to size_t in FreeIdSet

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at
Wed Nov 25 22:36:28 UTC 2015

On Nov 25, 2015, at 4:09 PM, Alexander Harlap <alexander.harlap at> wrote:
> Here is new revision :

 540     // Notify all would be safer, but this is OK, right?
 541     _mon->notify_all();

The comment seems a little odd, considering the code.  Perhaps at some
point in the development it was calling notify instead of notify_all?
Though it has always been notify_all since it was introduced as part
of the initial G1 integration.  I suggest removing the comment.

 400   // Returns an unclaimed parallel id (waiting for one to be released if
 401   // necessary).  Returns "UINT_MAX" if a GC wakes up a wait for an id.
 402   uint claim_par_id();

The return of UINT_MAX (really, end_of_list, but that's non-public) no
longer occurs, due to the elimination of the _safepoint check in the
loop.  [But see my other question, about whether the real problem is
that there should be calls to set_safepoint, but they are missing.]

 526   int res = _hd;

res should be uint now.  [Tom also pointed this out.]


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