RFR: JDK-8148735: Simplify G1CollectorPolicy::max_region()

Bengt Rutisson bengt.rutisson at oracle.com
Mon Feb 1 14:20:43 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I had some offline discussions with Thomas about this change. There is 
more to this than I would like to deal with at the moment. I mostly did 
this change to get the max_survivor_regions() that I need for 
JDK-8148736. So, rather than changing max_regions() now, I'll just add 
max_survivor_regions() in the change for JDK-8148736.

Thus, I am withdrawing this review request.


On 2016-02-01 11:05, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Could I have a couple of reviews for this change?
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~brutisso/8148735/webrev.00/
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8148735
> The G1CollectorPolicy::max_region() method is actually only used to 
> get the max length for the survivor list. Simplify it to return just 
> that.
> Thanks,
> Bengt

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